The widest is popular feeling, the narrowest also is popular feeling. The heart is wide, the path is wide; The heart is narrow, the road is narrow. Those who make our heart big, it is good-tempered; Those who make our heart small, it is dispute. On this world, good-tempered, let us become straight-out; Dispute, make we become the bosom is frowsty. The heart of a person is beautiful, the world all round is beautiful also.
Life is beardless earthshaking, joy is good; Friendship is beardless honey-tongued, think the move is good; Money is beardless numerous, it is good to be used quite; The friend need not pervade the world, it is good to have you. What vexed ability knows is happy, what painful ability knows is happy, have break ability to be gotten somewhat, should cherish go cherishing well, should abandon resolutely abandon, since anguish cannot avoid, let us laugh at pair of life!
To this world good much, it can pester you, take hold you. More moment, the person is those who defeated oneself is greedy. Which have so much enemy, the oldest enemy or oneself. You want to have more money, want to mount higher position, no matter you have how old ability, get person of be enslaved to be enslaved to finally.