4 of stomach-ache making a person are moved free, female advocate by coop jail, still be relapsed to

What kind ofly to move free gut to you can make a person stomach-ache? 1.NTR gut, male advocate peace female advocate Yue of two affection photograph, result by passerby gives " undermine the foundation " . 2. What Qing Chunke loves is female advocate had been encroached actually. 3. The sky falls disaster, female advocate reduce a captive, still be relapsed to insult. Emmm returns exemples of some differ with one action, light is after-thought hold out those who make a person afflictive. What must say nevertheless is, such gut has apply colours to a drawing very much really force, the impression that can leave profundity to the audience (laugh) , this period a few look to have in light of us " stomach-ache gut " move free.

1. " what only I am absent is street "

4 of stomach-ache making a person are moved free, female advocate by coop jail, still be relapsed to insult

Renown " have me only by NTR street " , male advocate maternal be murdered, oneself also are by frame sb murderer, pass below good luck coincidence " show again " pass through before returning 18 years. To save mother and classmates, also to find the merit, male advocate experienced iteration failure and exploration, what saved the be murdered 18 years ago successfully finally is female advocate.

Do not have a problem till the gut here, affection apply colours to a drawing is gotten very marvellous also, male advocate peace female advocate between produced deep fetter, because this is very much,the audience also feels men and women advocate it is the official matchs CP. Result ending fed " poisonous chicken broth " , male advocate person of belt of the car that be connected by the murderer turns a river in, insensible 15 years, when he awakes after 15 years, female advocate already was person Fu (female advocate the husband is male advocate classmate) . Anyhow moves free education this everybody: Do not think men and women advocate can be together after be on speaking terms!

2. " Fate "

4 of stomach-ache making a person are moved free, female advocate by coop jail, still be relapsed to insult

Move free " Fate/stay Night " have 3 line, of line of among them last masterstroke HF female advocate it is a tung cherry. Tung cherry is in between " Fate/stay Night " in the figure learning younger sister that the impression that gives a person is tender Qing Chun, it is without giving thought to actually in which line, cherry is mistreated in what bear a tung home all the time, still by careful 2 had encroached, these are changeless facts, just do not have in two circuitry afore by male advocate discovery just.

This gut set is stomach-ache making a person really. . . . . .

3. " round of dance of angel and dragon "

4 of stomach-ache making a person are moved free, female advocate by coop jail, still be relapsed to insult

This person that uses free likelihood to had looked is not much, although groovy dot is quite much but still be quite good-looking on the whole, the audience that had not watched can fill time look. Nevertheless in front two market look really hold back is bent! Female advocate by elder brother circumvent, the captive became from high princess in the day. Who this kind of circumstance changes think revolt, result by inquisitor cruel was hit and have special inspection forcibly (anus check) .

Did you think to be over so? Female advocate be aimed at by associate because of disposition reason, by captain (it is lily accuses probably) give affront. Before this drama a few collect are more depressive still, ending is very happy nevertheless be at ease please watch!

4. " School Days "

4 of stomach-ache making a person are moved free, female advocate by coop jail, still be relapsed to insult

This very famous, male advocate foot of sincere elder brother steps many boat, with many female part affection dispute still does not agree to be in charge of! Next female advocate one of Gui Yan leaf is gone to overturn by Huang Maojiang, although disgusting less than male advocate, but this gut is really disgusting arrived audience.

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