Li Xiao of old Wei star exposing to the sun comes " experience bets " ferment: Clutch of each othe

Bianews 6 month 10 days of messages, two catenary are encircled / money encircles Li Xiao of well-known public figure to come He Chenwei star because the exploding of latter expects in clutch of small gain each other.

Recently, old Wei star makes clear in investor of friend group appeal Hunan invests an object " opaque " , " not responsible " , " excessive group fund " wait for a problem, explode makings " call sheet the first times for EOS ' bit money head rich ' still owing others money of 30 thousand bit " , and go online gamble website washs money.

Yesterday evening, li Xiao will in small gain respond to: "Offer a piece of advice the taxi chain that old Wei star has made him stops. Do a lot of people ask I do not refute a rumor for what before? Learn a concept: Quote responsibility. Quote responsibility is absent in old Wei star now I. Quote responsibility is absent in old Wei star now I..

Arrive all the time now before dawn, bilateral " quote responsibility " , " corruption divert is communal asset " etc spread out fireworks.

Before dawn 3:53, li Xiao will be opposite of old Wei star explode makings express: Complete a false information, without by without according to, make irresponsible remarks, calumniatory. Already turned over lawyer processing.

It is clutch of bilateral each other below a few bouts:

Li Xiao of old Wei star exposing to the sun comes " experience bets " ferment: Li Xiao of old Wei star exposing to the sun comes " experience bets " ferment: Li Xiao of old Wei star exposing to the sun comes " experience bets " ferment: Li Xiao of old Wei star exposing to the sun comes " experience bets " ferment: Li Xiao of old Wei star exposing to the sun comes " experience bets " ferment: Li Xiao of old Wei star exposing to the sun comes " experience bets " ferment:
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