3 years old of female Tong Du take Zhengzhou oneself public transportation " ramble " Zhengzhou ve

Henan business signs up for seedling of reporter king seedling to suffer the person that visit to offer a plan

Will control 8:15 in the evening on July 16, trade of Zhengzhou city nation 360 square, the culture way that a lady is leading a female Tong Chaozheng to patrol here is street do make one's rounds to prevent team member to Zhangwei is gotten the better of and work in the same place.

"She arrives here say this child does not have adult to follow. " Zhang Weisheng says, this good intention lady claims she is in at that time country the public transportation platform of 360 square doorway handles trade wait for a bus, suddenly a 9 road buses stop before her, and a female Tong Du steps down a car oneself, follow without adult, this lets her very indissoluble, the inquiry before going up then female child, but female child however of continuously cry.

Good intention lady will female child give after make one's rounds prevents team member, left, and this female child still cry ceaseless, the inquiry that prevents team member to make one's rounds also is one does not answer, the supermarket that just shows big Shang Xinma is especially downstair enters the mouth, "Reckon she has gone there. " Zhang Weisheng guesses.

Without any significant information, make one's rounds prevents team member to be forced to report this circumstance to 110 command center. In a few minutes, 110 command center gives out reply, say to the citizen calls the police the daughter be lost that says oneself are less than 3 years old.

Subsequently, make one's rounds prevents team member to get in touch with the parent that call the police. 10 come after minute, a few youths come to the front of make one's rounds prevents the cruiser of team member. "Of the what of appearance appearance dress of the child that says on the road can be opposite on, and meet the girl also did not cry. " Zhang Weisheng says, this parent that call the police is in Zhengzhou deal, to the child why be lost, "The girl his pa guesses, the child is he sits public transportation run, because their inn doorway is public transportation station. " Zhang Weisheng says.

Search " run away from home " daughter, this family draws out hundreds of yuan of money, extortionary a place of strategic importance prevents team member to make one's rounds, but be prevented finally by make one's rounds team member excuse oneself from. "Want to warn the parent, no matter what moment must value the child, do not be afraid of 10 thousand be afraid of in case. " culture road is street do make one's rounds to prevent say of team member Guo Zhijiang.

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