Zhou Dongyu " new amour " exposure, ceng Zhiwei's son the late night professions: I love you most

Mention Zhou Dongyu, a lot of people can think of that is like the girl with general duckling, be sought by Zhang Yi disentomb single-handed, make be worthy of the name " seek young woman " go out, go out for the first time perform the film to win large award with respect to behead countless, in the film the respect goes further more later, made be worthy of the name " box-office queen " .

Zhou Dongyu " new amour " exposure, ceng Zhiwei's son the late night professions: I love you most!

Zhou Dongyu " new amour " exposure, ceng Zhiwei's son the late night professions: I love you most!

The amour that is Zhou Dongyu also makes the focal point that people pays close attention to, since be in an university at the outset period that love, from admit amour arrives do not part company time, zhou Dongyu also does not have other new love again, most pass with Zhang Yishan namely pass red to hear, also end up with nothing definite later. Nowadays, late night dispatch: "Will quickly look, somebody settle on I " , one pair announces the appearance of amour cheerly.

Zhou Dongyu " new amour " exposure, ceng Zhiwei's son the late night professions: I love you most!

The person that original late night professions is Ma Saichun, this two people are simply " plastic sister is spent " , every day to mutual black, once Zhou Dongyu still says one wool money won't borrow Ma Saichun, of two people " love " , it is love arrives in really the rhythm with black nature. Ma Saichun professions " the little baby that you are me " , by Zhou Dongyu so after shout, hold back bends Ma Saichun unceasingly, speak bluntly is you force my, 10 thousand grievance in the heart.

Zhou Dongyu " new amour " exposure, ceng Zhiwei's son the late night professions: I love you most!

Conjugal love of these two favour loves what also take no account of someone else to experience, late night dispatch gives " cruel attack " , very beyond the mark really.

Zhou Dongyu " new amour " exposure, ceng Zhiwei's son the late night professions: I love you most!

Direct repeatedly also by two people hole, the late night professions Ma Saichun: "I love you most " , still get rain of winter of mad boast week, you are the most beautiful!

Zhou Dongyu " new amour " exposure, ceng Zhiwei's son the late night professions: I love you most!

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