LOL advocate truth of chamfer of the leapfrog that sow blueness: Broker company baleful embezzle par

Vermicelli made from bean starch expresses, one advocate sow find new job say you are back pay, it is that likely advocate sowed problem, if a flock of advocate sow finding new job to say you at the same time is back pay, then you should review your issue. Here if plus, if this a flock of advocate sow out is same domestic broker company, and those who jump is same a platform tiger tooth, that after all who has a problem?

This is today the question that we should answer: LOL advocate because,chamfer of the leapfrog that sow blueness is after all what. The news that blots out the sky and cover up the earth on the net now is, fight piscine back pay, rhythm is taken fly. Say normally, fight Yu Gang to sign Zhu Zeyu of ala of the Dota2 Ti6 champion, god that protect a country, 3 days of 50 million income compares red-letter day of the direct seeding that fight a fish tiger tooth the income of a quarter is even much, the money of gift of tens of thousands of cash that needs this frog really?

LOL advocate truth of chamfer of the leapfrog that sow blueness: LOL advocate truth of chamfer of the leapfrog that sow blueness:

Original, god of frog, dazzle, Li Zheng is the company of a broker that the fish fights to had sent statement to break a collaboration before this subordinate advocate sow -- limited company of science and technology of network of amusement of Yangzhou extensive region. This broker company, can give everybody popular science, it is to fight a fish to leave one's post a company that surpasses a canal to leave. This company all the time since as close as the collaboration that fight a fish, broker company near future and tiger tooth begin to contact, plan to cooperate. And advocate sow do not have what view to fighting a fish, added to frog raises since the half an year that fight a fish of 6 times.

LOL advocate truth of chamfer of the leapfrog that sow blueness:

Look at the 1 million words on this contract, vermicelli made from bean starch people you still decide you " student " advocate is sowing frog the view that takes not to remove a meal to take the money that have a meal to give everybody lottery really? Broker company had had at that time leave the idea of tiger tooth, sequel was stopped collaboration, fight a fish to do not have method to be able to ask to sign frog continuously only, so that cooperate of charge extend smoothly, by broker company by every means obstruct.

Gift money also is same, big company needs bill enter an item in an account, the broker company that the frog of settle accounts need of the gift is in sends relevant bill a bottle of fish, ability begins to pay flow. Fight a fish for many times to urge broker company checks Zhang sheet, so that pay,open corresponding bill, but broker company did not open bill all the time piece, the gift money that brings about frog cannot arrive tardy Zhang. Frog still is to this know the inside story not know the inside story, we observed and study with respect to have no way, mean the word that find new job, know the inside story also can pretend not know the inside story.

LOL advocate truth of chamfer of the leapfrog that sow blueness:

As we have learned, frog fights a fish about from formal in July 2017 autograph, be less than a year of time only till now, grow for a 1 million subscription, heat of 300 thousand advocate sow, pure rely on ego hard, it is impossible almost. The government that fight a fish is in know express, gave line of section of the direct seeding that fight a fish to fall, chapter of above paragraphs of community of rich of official of the commendation of respect of guidance of direct seeding content, video, Tecent, Tecent, video is recommended wait for all sorts of resource.

In the final analysis, advocate sow want to find new job, do not look for a few excuse, let vermicelli made from bean starch very hard go together accordingly, sell miserable saying platform back pay is best method. Nevertheless law won't look sell miserable do not sell miserable version, this also is why to find new job not less advocate in video of sowed front courtyard careful, mention the statement of the bring shame on such as energy of life of person of back pay, control no longer, the pay that just states enemy broadcasting station gives purely is much. The problem of Wei god back pay, the girlfriend of Wei god has expressed in small gain, have misunderstanding to fighting a fish, it is the problem of broker company.

Use an argument of national husband Wang Saicong, what each other can say later after parting company is broken bits. Fight a fish to also need to face up to oneself of course, why be found new job to go again and again of tiger tooth advocate sow Diss, return the backyard since disaster, by before exceed a canal to dig horny problem. The netizen expresses, fighting a fish is the most miserable government probably, advocate sow find new job to learning platform of Diss of mood of incendiary vermicelli made from bean starch.

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