Wide steam suffers custom duty controversy to browbeat in beautiful professional work or suspend exp

According to coverage of car news network, wide steam car (the manufacturer of Chinese native land car that GAC Motor) plans to become a home to export light-duty car to the United States. In American president Donald Telangpu menace is opposite after entrance car imposes custom duty, wide steam steam must freeze these plans possibly.

Wide steam suffers custom duty controversy to browbeat in beautiful professional work or suspend export program

Limited company of Guangzhou automobile group (Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. ) vise general manager plum little express, this decision (point to freeze a plan) whether to make, depend on whether can custom duty make its car too costly, as a result cannot have competition ability in American mainland.

Lishao points out, although this one (make its) in be being studied by minatory custom duty policy, "We still believe the United States and Chinese leader have wisdom to handle these conflict. "We still believe the United States and Chinese leader have wisdom to handle these conflict..

But he also admits, collect custom duty to may throw into confusion the plan that wide steam begins to sell 7 GS8 to cross bound car in the United States by 2019. Current, wide steam has begun to be aimed at agency of afore-mentioned plan recruit United States.

Li Shao is in China last week western clearance of Chinese global car forum expresses: "If they (point to the United States) raised tariff really, so this will produce certain effect to our plan. So this will produce certain effect to our plan..

Plum little express: "This still is discussing in, so we must look etc. We must investigate us to whether have enough competition ability in American market. If be in (the United States) after raising tariff, our (product) price competition ability is insufficient, so the plan that we perhaps can postpone ourselves. So the plan that we perhaps can postpone ourselves..

The United States has started the national security that imports in the light of car and lorry to investigate, this may bring about the United States to publish new tariff.

The United States has looked custom duty mark was aimed avowedly (abroad) car manufacturer. When Washington and Beijing develop an argument with respect to a series of trade controversial issue, this one idea was carried. To importing a car to impose custom duty the likelihood is the United States in (come from) one kind before Chinese importer tastes tide to begin prevents kind.

Wide steam is one of Chinese enterprises that long to enter American market all the time. This company opened a research center in Silicon Valley, still announced to offer the plan of agency in Detroit and los angeles this year. In addition, model of wide steam GS8 still was exhibited in Detroit car in January this year on appear.

Plum little express, since this company holds water, wide steam hopes to become look forward to of a global car all the time. He expresses: "World of Chinese industry trend will be collective trend of future. Chinese car manufacturer will be mixed from product technology the acceptance of the brand person the exit that changes a product to technology and brand square. We prepare to enter North America market. We prepare to enter North America market..

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