Not quite strong Russian is cannot cross baptismal alive...

Not quite strong Russian is cannot cross baptismal alive...

I am A Le, zealous deliver touch and happy

Still perhaps not be the most outstanding, but strive for do most a that when know you


Had played this 30 above?

Not quite strong Russian is cannot cross baptismal alive...

"Youth, I 80, the body is not maintained, you give with respect to travel be merciful let, should know esteem old person. Should know esteem old person..

"Uncle, you can let me pull excrement! You can let me pull excrement!!


Spend birthday, the boy friend says to should give me a big surprise

Not quite strong Russian is cannot cross baptismal alive...

2B colleague does leave one's post, need is written leave one's post report, so big paper of a piece of A4, he wrote 4 words: Did not want to do.

I say: "Pieces of so big paper, can you write a place more? Can you write a place more??

Next he takes paper two words added in front in the past: True.


Cloud barbecue! When applying to lunar end to do not have money

Not quite strong Russian is cannot cross baptismal alive...

The friend repairs a mobile phone, he says what calls true experience strange flower today, a person walks to ask him, if really 6 drop water in can you foster cordial relations between states? He says this dare not decide, should specific look to father not serious. If can foster cordial relations between states certainly,that person says you I am scooped up, do not decide I was not scooped up.


Not quite strong Russian will not pass severe test alive

Not quite strong Russian is cannot cross baptismal alive...

A new employee and staff of human affairs department chat, he asks curiously: "The person when be being applied for at the outset is so much, my record of formal schooling also is not highest, manager of your human affairs why with respect to pitch on I? " the colleague fumbled a long time, say: "Because of us the manager feels your appearance is special. . . " " where is special? " new employee is more curious. The staff is small say: "He says you grow so that resemble enrolling money cat. "He says you grow so that resemble enrolling money cat..

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