" visit 100 look forward to to enter 10 thousand into 1000 villages " the escaped criminal on the

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Sweeping black mix except evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting " 1 billion " while mobile development is advanced, police station of Wei Fen of the public security bureau that promote a county weighs a fist to hit out, the investigation that spreads out clew of pair of activity of relevant illegal crime quickly in area under administration works.

On June 10, 2018 morning 10 when make, policeman of colourful Fen police station undertakes in area under administration hidden trouble rolls the platoon is checked be not stabilizinged during visitting, receive inform against say to be in this area under administration inside one construction site, discovery ever was in Er of another name for Hubei province of Nei Monggol Autonomous Region is much this city Dong Sheng district commits the crime the guilty suspect Bai Mou of abscond beautiful. Police station of Fen of the colourful after receiving a reply transfers quickly assault of force of policemen of essence of life is driven go to the spot, discover suspect Bai Mou some construction site is engaged in market of the city austral town of Li Zaiwei Fen physical labor, see dodge of purpose after the policeman, suspicious-looking.

Via be being checked further solid, li Weishan of guilty suspect Bai Mou saves pond of the tile that promote a county to press down a person on the west. On July 2, 2016 12 when make, bai Mou beautiful in the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region E Er is much this city Dong Sheng district is old 5 in knife general Gao Mou is used inside alley completely left bosom and abscond of the dread punishment for one's crime after coxal disclose is hurt. Via appraisal Gao Mou's complete the condition of an injury achieves flesh wound one class, the guilty suspect Bai Mou that Inner Mongolia police will be suspected of harming a blame intentionally beautiful label the escaped criminal on the net, the whole nation is chased after escape.

Current, guilty suspect Bai Mou beautiful already turned over lawfully inside unconscious municipality E Er is much this city police.

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