3 lines break out Guangzhou subway this morning breakdown! Already removed an issue now and return t

3 lines break out Guangzhou subway this morning breakdown! Already removed an issue now and return to normal hair class

"Produce Mie job after all? 3 lines take life first time to the half to be driven to crew fall car! " 13 days morning 8:24, the netizen sends small gain to express, in Guangzhou subway of 3 lines drop stands, all person is informed to get off, "Estimation wants collective to go to work was late " .

3 lines break out Guangzhou subway this morning breakdown! Already removed an issue now and return to normal hair class

To this, 8:3 of small gain of Guangzhou subway government7 bulletins say, "13 days in the morning 8:16, 3 lines because equipment malfunction, train has incur loss through delay a bit. 8:25 minutes, via technical personnel processing, trouble removal. At present 3 lines are gone to interval of drive a vehicle of train of direction of passenger station of the Milky way makes an appointment with 8 minutes, drive a vehicle attempers adjusting interval of drive a vehicle, interval of normal drive a vehicle is restoring stage by stage in. Interval of normal drive a vehicle is restoring stage by stage in..

3 lines break out Guangzhou subway this morning breakdown! Already removed an issue now and return to normal hair class

8 when 56 minutes or so, guangzhou subway is reported again say, interval of 3 lines drive a vehicle already returned to normal. The citizen that suffers an effect can arrive by ticket inside 7 days station of route network either deals with return a ticket or ticket is updated, "Go out to bring an influence all right to everybody we express regret greatly here. The passenger that suffers an effect can land official website to print excuse letter. The passenger that suffers an effect can land official website to print excuse letter..

[reporter] Yu Qiuliang

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