5 old thinking spend analytic Hua Yi's brother: Impawn of the Lei in Wang Zhongjun, king is to run

Regard the Hua Yi of movie company as brother, won't unfamiliar to 5D film nature. Today, chengdu business signs up for a reporter to lend 5D the visual sense, spend from 5 old thinking come analytic this appears on the market company.

Come day after day, chengdu business signed up for a reporter to consult to hand in the public data that delivers negotiable securities of the China below place banner place, greatly to register settle accounts limited company, china friendship brother 2017 annals, china friendship brother 2018 the first quarterly reports, announcement reached China friendship brother on June 6 calendar year announcement, wang Zhongjun sends shareholder open letter to wait, interview negotiable securities practitioner, fine fine the preexistence this life that combs Hua Yi's brother.

Where the wind and the waves are highest

These two weeks, circle of movie and TV is not quite quiet. Yang Zi, Huang Sheng depends on a couple, fan Bingbing, feng Xiaogang... star besides these discharge, on June 11, the Wang Zhongjun of China friendship brother, Wang Zhonglei 2 people, also become " star brother " , was introduced to where the wind and the waves are highest.

Numerous sound is roaring

11 days, a China friendship brother (300027) released on June 6 " equity of tall canal impawn " announcement ferments on the network, cause a lot of media to pay close attention to. "Wang brother is covered run now road " guess sweep across a network. 11 days of evening, wang Zhongjun is responded to, "Since 2014, my He Zhonglei was not decreased not only had held company share, and accumulative total is added hold share amount aggregate about 640 million yuan. And accumulative total is added hold share amount aggregate about 640 million yuan..


What stock impawn leads is tall with not tall

Rate of impawn of share of the Lei in Wang Zhongjun king is amounted to respectively 90% , 83% ; And up to the rate of integral equity impawn of Hua Yi's brother was on June 8 25.32% , impawn data is in whole entertainment board piece in do not calculate tall.

According to the announcement of June 6 China friendship brother of derivative disturbance, wang Zhongjun, Wang Zhonglei parts impawn the company is mixed 2.2 million times 350 thousand stock, at present Wang Zhongjun opposes a scale 22.02% , accumulative total impawn 19.86% , impawn is led 90% , wang Zhonglei opposes a scale 6.19% , accumulative total impawn 5.15% , impawn is led 83% .

From now on in light of data, the share of impawn of two people place holds the impawn rate that he holds total share, it is superhigh really. So high impawn number, to Wang Zhongjun, Wang Zhonglei character, already was normal however.

Begin from 2011, two brother begin frequent impawn equity: 2011, each sent the impawn, give public notice that see sign 1 times 2012, sent give public notice 5 times 2013, 2014 8, 2015 11, 2016 7, 2017 10, had 6 times 2018. In fact, 2018 first quarter end, two people ever also had had taller impawn data: 94.96% with 86.90% .

Say objectively, "China friendship brother impawn is almost suddenly all equity " the wording is not exact. With respect to the company character, hand in a subordinate Chinese negotiable securities place, greatly to register the public data of settle accounts limited company to show according to handing in, up to the last last week trade day (on June 8) the rate of integral equity impawn of Hua Yi's brother is 25.32% , inspect compared with Tang Deying (300426) culture of the impawn rate of 49.12% , Hua power (002502) the impawn rate of 43.29% , the impawn data of China friendship brother is in whole entertainment board piece in do not calculate tall.

That is to say: "Double king " freeboard impawn leads pair of 2 people and character also calculates normal; The impawn rate of company whole does not calculate actually tall.

Since be " normal " , company impawn data also " do not calculate tall " , why to still cause a mighty uproar? Negotiable securities practitioner tells a reporter, it is time node very crucial, china friendship brother is in eddy originally in; 2 be " run road " guess precedented but abide, gu Yueting runs stock impawn rate also achieved 90% above before the road.

11 days of evening, wang Zhongjun is responded to, "Since 2014, my He Zhonglei was not decreased not only had held company share, and accumulative total is added hold share amount aggregate about 640 million yuan. And accumulative total is added hold share amount aggregate about 640 million yuan..


Does China friendship brother depend on Feng Xiaogang?

Autograph of Feng Xiaogang since makes an appointment with a director, also be company shareholder, from " the world does not have a thief " " blame sincere not faze " " nocturnal dinner " to " shake of Tang Shan earth " " old artillery piece " " fragrant China " , all out Yu Huayi's brother.

11 days of evening, wang Zhongjun is in " a letter that sends shareholder of collectivity of Hua Yi's brother " in, responded to about " depend on Feng Xiaogang " view, "Say with its China friendship brother depends on Feng Xiaogang, be inferior to saying we depend on the person that create exactly, the person that include each creative work on writer, playwrite, director, actor and chain of creation of movie and TV, they just are the core value places with real industry of movie and TV. They just are the core value places with real industry of movie and TV..

So, did China friendship brother depend on Feng Xiaogang in development?

The data shows, the origin of China friendship brother and Feng Xiaogang gets restrospect to 1999. That year, " perpetual " pat those who began Feng Xiaogang and Hua Yi " bind " . Ten years, autograph of Feng Xiaogang since makes an appointment with a director, also be company shareholder, from " the world does not have a thief " " blame sincere not faze " " nocturnal dinner " to " shake of Tang Shan earth " " old artillery piece " and of big last year heat " fragrant China " , these Feng Xiaogang familiar to the ear can the work of detailed, all out Yu Huayi's brother.

In those days after contract expires, feng Xiaogang once brief leave Guo Huayi's brother. After a year, both sides signed the 2nd agreement, china friendship brother showed good faith, cash reserve in a bank is included not only in agreement, still include equity. As later of the company appear on the market, feng Xiaogang's share also when the river rises the boat goes up too.

In November 2015, china friendship brother issues announcement, plan to invest Feng Xiaogang to accuse with 1.05 billion yuan Zhejiang Dong Yangmei helps medium limited company (Dong Yangmei of the following abbreviation is pulled) the equity of 70% , and Dong Yangmei is pulled in those days asset is negative. Be opposite as bought outstanding achievement bet an agreement, feng Xiaogang is affirmatory and annual gain exceeds 100 million above, and outstanding achievement origin is annual film booking office.

Whether to depend on Feng Xiaogang? Believe everybody has judgement oneself in the heart.


Be worth to buy by two overmeasure of doubt

China friendship brother gave asset to pull 1.5 billion yuan of appraise to be worth for negative Dong Yangmei; Buy the company that establishs one day with 756 million yuan.

Buy Dong Yangmei to pull, it is Hua Yi brother is made investor denounces begin.

Cease according to open letter, dong Yangmei is pulled it is thirteen thousand six hundred yuan only without the capital total of audit at that time, indebted amount nineteen thousand one hundred yuan, possessory rights and interests is - 5500 yuan. Before buying, feng Xiaogang and Liu Guojiang part hold Dong Yangmei is pulled 99% with the equity of 1% , after buying, liu Guojiang is exited, feng Xiaogang is held drop to 30% .

1.05 billion yuan bought the share of 70% , according to computation, china friendship brother gave this asset to be negative company in those days 1.5 billion yuan appraise value.

Before this, china friendship brother returns those who have a be left speechless with wonder or fear making a person to buy. In October 2015, china friendship brother buys Li Chen, Feng Shaofeng, Angelababy, Zheng Kai, Du Chun, Chen He with 756 million yuan the Zhejiang Dong Yanghao of 6 star hold vasts limited company of entertainment of movie and TV (Dong Yanghao of the following abbreviation. In fact, yang Haohan held water on October 21, 2015 east, when to Hua Yi brother buys his, the company just held water one day.

Exceed what overmeasure is worth twice this and buy the movie and TV that be by numerous investor bad-mouth to encircle " bubble " , think star earned money, let investor carry a risk however.


Be movie company or investment firm?

Business of China friendship brother has 4 board piece, up to 2017 inside report period, holding company and share company achieve 110.

2014, china friendship brother put forward " go film simplification " train of thought, seek diversity.

In the annals of 2017, china friendship brother divides its business distribution 4 board piece: One, recreation of movie and TV board piece; 2, the brand authorising that with fact of brigade of article of movie and TV scene project gives priority to is solid scene recreation board piece; 3, reach its with technology of economy of game of new media, Internet, vermicelli made from bean starch, VR the Internet recreation that the product gives priority to related the Internet such as recreational application board piece; 4, the equity related industrial investment and industry invests.

From " economy of vermicelli made from bean starch " in light of, flute of inkstone of relative of the actor below banner of China friendship brother had been entered " creation 101 " before 22 strong, became what have flow quite " floret " , this also is regarded as Hua Yi to begin one of actions that God runs by the outside. In " the equity related industrial investment and industry invests " this one part, brother explains Hua Yi, be " investment cultivates preeminent company, perfect Hua Yi's brother advocate business Wu matrix, seek new outstanding achievement point of growth ceaselessly, flowing advocate risk of wave motion of business Wu outstanding achievement " .

According to reporter statistic, up to 2017 inside report period, hua Yi holding company and share company achieved 110, this one word is in 2009, mixed 2015 was 1 respectively 2016, 45 mix 58.


Company profit ability how?

2017 net 828 million yuan. Up to the first season numbered off 2018 according to, company Zhang face still has long-term borrow or lend money 2.62 billion yuan

The reporter consults the annals discovery of brother of 2017 China friendship, tecent with the share of 7.94% the 2nd in listing 10 big, hold of investment limited company does poineering work in the A below the Ba Baqi in A the share of 4.47% , its issue follow closely, it is Ma Yun the identity hold with the natural person the share of 3.60% .

It is together " a surname that goose picks " with " Ma Xuanzhi manages " , in industry of domestic movie and TV, china friendship brother is the first. The financial standing of China friendship brother how?

From the point of net profit, china friendship brother was 976 million yuan 2015, there was fall after a rise a bit 2016, net 808 million yuan, 2017 net 828 million yuan, relatively stable. But in signing up for 2017, unless,buckled 2016 regular after increase and decrease, net profit is lose 40.18 million yuan.

The reporter inquires discovery, company blame is regular the proportion that increase and decrease takes profit of net of amalgamative forms for reporting statistics is as high as 86.72% , add up to 815 million yuan.

Annals showed 2017, the company is not often increase and decrease eliminates governmental allowance (127 million yuan) outside, basically originate be not liquid assets to deal with increase and decrease compensates accrual 545 million yuan with equity 242 million yuan. Annals showed 2016, the company is not often increase and decrease also is main by deal with control interesting science and technology but the stock is obtained, amount to 1.014 billion yuan, prep above in those days gain level.

That is to say, the profit that went up with financial 2017 data 2016, come from for the most part at stock and fixed assets sell off.

Additional, up to the first season numbered off 2018 according to, company Zhang face still has long-term borrow or lend money 2.62 billion yuan, the capital pressure of China friendship brother cans be imagined.

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