Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

Afterwards the beginning of the year is in the United States low-key fair after reflecting half an year, bruce · Weilisi acts the leading role break up pat edition " fierce dragon blames a customer " " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " this week is shown in domestic cinema eventually. End at present, booking office of its North America exceeded the cost line of 30 million dollar constrainedly only, can say none hesitantly, basically domestic audience also does not have what interest to this film likewise.

This Jing Song that turns over film to try to make Lang Sen of Charles · cloth acted the leading role 1974 avenges Jing Song piece " fierce dragon blames a customer " with when all is entered, more the social tide of joint instantly, regrettablly person of foreign film review and audience not show respect for, basic all up resembles original in that way economize to avoid running short forms series of a new film.

This expression lets Weilisi as before what the person yearns for his heyday period is close with glamour, and this film does not have any overturning completely also sexual innovation, be mingled with is in quite congested is the same as type film in devoid new idea.

In North America, " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " involved firearms control issue has controversy more, the right-wing crowd that Mi Gaomei appears to endorse firearms freedom in order to cater to in this film is flourish, what Dan Ji blames is, those firearms advocate are apathetic to this film also.

If you still feel curious to this film, that takes the advantage of holiday of the Mid-autumn Festival to look to the cinema after all, anyhow has Bruce of star of old brand movement · Weilisi assume personal command. Nevertheless, after if you look,passing somewhat disappointed, that is none accident also. After all, the problem of this film is too much. . .

Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

7.Bruce · dismal performance of Weilisi

Undeniable, bruce. Professional career of Weilisi already be reduced to poverty arrived the phase of " of " rest on one's laurels, basically rely on to go out perform a few low cost, Jing Song that sells dish directly piece earn penny dawdle.

Under photograph comparing, he can give Lai Ross performing Yi hold guide " fierce dragon blames a customer " break up pat edition -- a clear meeting is in the cinema is fair mirrorred motion picture, the case that proves him still is done not have so bad, showed Weilisi at least or can suffer as always seek a high cost film that performs big works.

There is the hour that a few the real situations reveal really in this film, because of,you can see this " tiger bravery Long Wei " the star that become famous appears very depressed, but not be to because,serve as a medium character wife (Yi Lisha white · revive) distracted by killing, the painful fortune that regards actor general as him himself however is projectile go up in screen.

Apparent of he and part match degree far not as good as Charles of old edition main actor · cloth Lang Sen, and the profession of Kathy of hero Paul · from architect instead a heart suffers achieved surgeon to be opposite for Weilisi also fraud is more than benefit, because will look from his professional career, he acts this kind of part to make a person hard very much be convinced.

I wish M · Nai is special of next year of · Sha Malan " vitreous gentleman " can help him cast off the state with dismal cloud of this kind of anxious, because he is acting afflictive, we are looked at afflictive also.

Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

6.Joe Kanahan's unexpected clumsy play

If not advertent, you perhaps can think the play of this film is by faceless keep a hand or a flock of playwrite the idea them is medley arrive to be finished together, but actually it is by quite Joe Kanahan finishs renowned independently.

Kanahan ever was written and directed " arrest poison is special alarm " , " person wolf big fight " etc much ministry is wide welcome film, prep let alone is other the action that has a color more piece, be like " choke smoke ace " and " day dragon accuses a group especially " , regrettablly the play that he refers this is far be inferior to in front those.

After somebody can'ts help suspecting Kanahan was seeing original movie of Bulangsen, to get pay quickly, inside short time brash finish this play to deal with finish sth.

The story covers rapid accumulation to rise, kathy of hero Paul · arrives from gentle surgeon hold a gun the vengeance of infestation the transition process of Azrael also can't make a person be convinced, a few outsmart oneself individual character actor's lines are the sniff that makes you direct be opposite, dark more unripe inimical.

Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

5.Style disorder

" tiger bravery is chased after fierce " know oneself want to make a what kind of movie far from. The earnest film of an acid current affairs? Be still a simple and crude B class force piece? Perhaps say we are necessary to treat it seriously really?

The fundamental key of film is in Thespian gravity is heavy with sudden crank like barpque and comical between pendulous, bring about mood atmosphere from only then to eventually extremely messy.

For example, cauchy arrives for many times in film visit shop of a firearms, emphasized the absurd sex with flush firearms clearly among them. This was become to make joke by film it seems that, but after moment, special dread affection happened, film restored priggish commonplace fundamental key. At least the vengeance till Cauchy is orgiastic before evolving into a confused Internet agitation, film all the time sense of humor of so priggish lack.

The direction that this film differs a few times forward at the same time sends force, but neither one respect is particularly satisfactory particularly interesting perhaps.

Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

4.Ross of Yi Lai · is disappointing drab hold guide

Although a lot of people are met,regard Ross of Yi Lai · as one is met only rubbish of n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine is horrible piece the director that blame Ga, but break up pat " fierce dragon blames a customer " such film, compare employ those who cover road adroitness is exercise of those consistent automation line, cheap director, he is a more interesting option undoubtedly.

He is opposite better a few movies (namely " skeleton is not had put " , " person skin hotel " and " knock knock " ) although weigh taste a little, but the dot can search basic Dou Youliang, produced a kind of strange attraction even, and plainspoken, this also lets him just about hold guide the interesting point of this film.

Lamentable is, we are in " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " in the strange color that cannot see Ross of · of Lai of a Yi almost, and if do not know a detail, very easy meeting abandons this film, the level because of it more resembling is a two film a maiden work that sort TV director.

Setting is mostly as dry as a chip and bored, besides a few conspicuous bloody occasion, of Ross of Yi Lai · hold guide from only then come to be mixed eventually Bruce · makes a person be tired of like Weilisi's expression.

Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

3.Comical curt when politics comment

After although be in the United States,producing great pop event a few cases, " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " show sufferred severity is criticized, but this does not explain what film itself has to the audience real significance.

Regard a typical vengeance as Jing Song piece, expect without the person from " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " in obtain greater value, but Joe Kanahan's play does not have go no further apparently hereat, photograph comparing compares low-key original, " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " published eyeball of more wrestle person but not delicate current affairs comment.

In the montage part that spends in a series of elaborate editing and rearrangement, media public figure challenges in a stern voice the violent incident in the film, although this film is not the rough stuff in beautification Cauchy substantially -- although basically affirmed really with cruel make cruel, but pictures of these editing and rearrangement often let you feel resembling is to seeing current affairs news discuss, is not a true motion picture.

The sale of this film itself sells a site is Bruce · originally Weilisi does not divide ground of green red black and write to slaughter " hellion " , and film spent a long time to teach you a lesson to say such doing again incorrect.

Do not spit discomfort! " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 7 great fatal flaw

2.Rhythm is poor

Although " tiger bravery is chased after fierce " 107 minutes when long look be like reasonable -- grew 10 minutes than original merely, but bad rhythm is afraid can let you feel this film comparing is actual piece long a lot of longer. Outback edition is cut went 10 minutes, we should be glad on certain level to just be opposite.

This breaks up pat too long time was spent on the edition tragic death in Cauchy wife, and used a lot of dull setting to advance " part to develop again before this

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