Er bay is increased China unripe report for duty, VIP pay

This week is Er bay is increased (UCI) see the New Year in, new student old boy returns school to term begins fully in succession. Federation of man of learning of student of this school China (UCI CSSA) the new student that comes heart to heart to fly from China and parent, arrangement receives aircraft service, 15, 16, 17 day receives machine even more 3 days in all continuously 370 people, carry 800 to 900 baggage, the staff member is stationed everyday in the airport and hotel 12 to 15 hours, answer for the new student only doubt dispels doubts; 17 days of evening are in Er bay hotel (Hotel Irvine) hold see the New Year in the evening party, share experience to make a new student fast blend in new environment.

Er bay is increased China unripe report for duty, VIP pay

Union chairman He Xianyi (Paul) express, statistic shows, share 541 China student to sign up this year receive machine, besides see the New Year in of week 3 universal, in summer vacation time different period of time has new student and graduate student to report for duty, justice labour receives their arrangement student union machine. This meeting and distance Er bay increase recent Er bay hotel to talk things over, offer bargain price for new student and parent, set booth in hotel, enter a student to be able to seek advice at any time, and the free bus that books 18 days to head for campus from the hotel in the morning ahead of schedule, enter international student center (International Student Center) of arrangement see the New Year in the specification is met (Orientation) .

This meeting sees the New Year in actually the job is in early summer vacation time shifts to an earlier date to run this year, he Xianyi introduces, this summer student union is sponsorred, Er bay is increased assist do, the new student is held to meet in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Shenyang meeting, the introduction comes to the beauty note, how to choose a course, how to fill in the form of school square requirement. Of 17 days of evening see the New Year in the evening party basically introduces the case after coming to the beauty, will term begins for instance, the of the student before learning has, how is the driver's license taken an examination of after coming to the beauty, person of school inside and outside is safe, and function of introductory student union.

He Xianyi says, er bay increases the student studying abroad that nearly 800 come from China this year, religion of politics of dispute of union of Chinese student man of learning, blame, blame seeks profits organization of government of abroad student man of learning, maintain close connection with Chinese consulate general, if student overseas appears identity, healthy wait for emergency, they can help the house is gotten in connection. Student union smooth staff member has nearly 100 people, this 3 days see the New Year in receive machine activity to have nearly 50 before factitious new student is busy busy hind, everybody is very painstaking, but can use up for the new student one abstracted feel very happy.

Er bay increases federation of Chinese student man of learning to be given priority to with the undergraduate, receive besides what open term every year to hold machine see the New Year in outside the activity, annual Spring Festival of the traditional Chinese calendar still holds large Chun Wanqing to wish an activity, attract 1200 attend to 1500 people, the campus singer contest, Na Jiayin happy red-letter day that ran first last year, draw near the profession that graduation season holds develops a peak to be able to wait for an activity, it is the large activity that federation sponsors, bring many warmth and important information for students.

Speak of oneself experience, he Xianyi expresses, he is public health science is big 4 students, came to the beauty read high school 2012, at that time year only 15 years old, new environment arrives first, english is not so good, student of whole school Chinese is only two, 3 people, initial stage often feels alone. Later from Shengdimasi (San Dimas) the walnut city that transfer collects to the Chinese, beside inferior descendants is much, just let him feel relaxed many.

This paragraph of experience lets him have deep experience, arrive suddenly namely first be unavoidable to need to help, " the student studying abroad is not far 10 thousand lis come to American attend school, hope they can take roundabout way less, get used to new environment as soon as possible " , because this congratulate shows 4 years of time that increase attend school in Er bay, open term every year to attend receive machine see the New Year in activity, answer for the new student doubt dispels doubts. More important is it is him not just one person, still have a lot of student staff members that give silently rear, ability lets see the New Year in the activity does more successfully, allow a new student people experience warmth.

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