16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity,

Young gentleman | Of cosmic puffiness ferry person

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

Be a kind foolish

Young gentleman approve of " get Rao Ren to be in and Rao Ren " this word, but not all thing can be excused. Before paragraph time, the thing that girl of rape of 16 years old of schoolboys reconciles let a lot of netizens be astonished. Is the rape over to you still can reconcile? Besides, the girl still was affected sexual contagion, this shows be sexual experience the boy is probable. This kind of thing punishs ability to let him know its seriousness only, also can cautionary the person of this type. Otherwise, still more people err.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

" the song is odd now "

Period of time, to cooperate mu of illusion that produces 10 thousand jins, a few places ask the people cooperates actively, take the pot that him home cooks even, use the human excrement that boil.

When such doing, somebody becomes dizzy rise, the border that divides the human excrement in not clear boiler and meal, go really in boiler dip one spoon human excrement will eat.

Result, can be imagined -- can vomit unceasingly.

This is true thing, wang Xiaobo also has been told in his book.

Occasionally, you are forced to do a few abnormal knowledge to turn over human nature, especially, violate the responsibility of your individual apiration. You discover you do not defy, must be subject to.

The passive feeling in can be subject to is too bad, then, you become go actively catering to this to coerce your force.

The term that uses psychoanalysis is told, this is called " change passivity to be active " , it is mechanism of defense of a kind of psychology.

After was being done so, passive fear can become adore actively, passive terrified is met the enthusiasm with active melt into.

However, this tropical smell will be very eccentric, because was full of the flavour of human excrement.

A few days ago, be brushed by a thing on small gain screen:

County of Henan Lu Shan, 16 years old of boys raped seventeen years old the girl, the processing means of local procuratorate is, do psychology to coach to two minor, let the girl and its family and rapist reconcile.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

Reach finally, boy home is compensated for to girl home 80 thousand, and boy home sent silk banner to local procuratorate, praise:

Execute the law for civilian, fulfil one's duty responsible;

Affection fastens a teenager, admire aid.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

This thing too fantastic, too strange flower, too mysterious, and is it how of exposure?

The official small gain that is rash hill procuratorate at first reports first come out, they are true regard this thing as a favour comes a flourish of trumpets.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

A detail that must want to explain is, the girl was affected sexual contagion, this that is to say, the boy is probable be sexual experience, and the means of his sex experience is very doubtful.

Rash hill procuratorate, exert all one's strength safeguard to may have venereal teenager rapist, the girl that forces fall victim reconciles with him, regard as next a big meddlesome ballyhoo.

The reporter combs Lu Shan later the discovery when procuratorate small gain, its Guan Wei ever still released to facilitate this year in March intended murder both sides reconciles " a bulletin of glad news " : One high school gave birth to Li Mou to kill a person, the both sides after classics inquisitor intervenes reconciles, sentence 3 delay finally the Li Mou of 3 by await trial of be bailed out, turn into another high school to be read.

Classics evaluation, this case examines body in Henan province the 2nd minor inspects high-quality goods in 10 big cases, rank the 7th.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

They are done so magnanimously, I do not suspect this backside has an interest to trade really, I feel this is one kind " foolish enthusiasm " .

This also is its most terrible place.

It is a very bad thing originally, but because this foolish enthusiasm is such powerful, as a result main lubricious polychrome was to become fantastic.

However, no matter how had they felt, the abominable human excrement flavour in this fantastic, any is normal the person can smell.

And, once you are coerced drink below one even one pail when, it is thing of worst cake bloodcurdling.

Wish this kind of flavour be far from us.

Above all, wish this kind of flavour the girl that can leave suffer injury and its family.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

When writing small gain for this thing, the picture that I thought of to painter Zhao delays Bin is made " big toilet " , it is namely inside a tremendous and clinking toilet, people is doing various things, have a meal for example, amuse oneself, lecture, rise ensign to wait a moment.

this the picture reachs his local after be being put to small gain, a lot of people say, this lets the disgusting toilet dream that they remembered to they had been done.

This kind of dream is normally, fluid of make water of excrement and urine is everywhere in the toilet, still have maggot worm sometimes, you do not have law stay simply.

This is a kind of common dream, about it, also have all sorts of classical explanations, but I did not find extraordinary sense all the time, feel I did not understand this kind of dream very well all the time so, till the dream of a person that call in.

Of this dream is probably, mom made a large number of excrement and urine, be being done is everywhere in the home, however utterly ignorant, still continue to do in ground of one is assured and bold with justice.

Excrement and urine, it is the metaphor of negative sentiment.

So, get angry in disorder, be everywhere the metaphor of relieve oneself.

Specific in this dream, this mom of the person that call in, very easy mood is changed, often erupt in the home her terrible disposition.

And she is when mood of wanton gush oestrus, resembling is in wanton relieve oneself, get domestic lanes and alleys dirty smelly.

Particularly crucial is, this mom still stays in all-pervasive narcissism when the baby, she feels she should is the existence like queen in the home.

She does not acknowledge a mistake absolutely, also do not accept doubt absolutely, what she does is right, include tousle disposition. All these makes she gets one is assured and bold with justice in gush dung gush.

This case also resembles Lu Shan is in gush dung, however narcissism ground thinks he is doing a good work.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

Muddleheaded with differentiation, a crucial psychology that is life initial stage is propositional, the person needs the become divided with the muddleheaded meticulous trend from big unify.

Specific namely:

Know I am me, you are you;

Know dispute is right wrong;

Know stand or fall;

Know to cannot be opposite wantonly others tousle disposition, prep let alone goes atttacking harm others body;

The person is need expression mood, but this need divides a circumstance, need uses a language and not be rough stuff, and need reason convey...

All these can put in a simple analogy 's charge to go up, namely: Relieve oneself invites a toilet to solve, and be handled even in time. Cannot do the toilet very dirtily, cannot mix sitting room, kitchen more the bedroom is flyblown.

Go up from media from the government see, rash hill procuratorate is labelled [do not sue integrated and pilot unit] . Likelihood the immediate cause that this is this thing, and the does not split up muddleheaded logic of backside, it is deep-seated reason.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

Namely, no matter produced what conflict, even if be rape murder, also should be being done so that resemble is to be able to become an act of charity like.

When such doing, do not admit the happening of defecate and existence namely. Even, be regarded defecate as " golden juice " .

But defecate or defecate, it not only dirty, smelly still, get processing.

We need developmental and muddleheaded logic, from muddleheaded in cent goes out dispute, black and white, right wrong, and stand or fall, need kind of punish evil raise, safeguard justice, is not to go try to mediate differences at the sacrifice of principle.

Still need differentiation to give individual and collective, especially each is individual come.

With respect to this thing in, if be respected above all by the girl of enroach on this individual sufficient rights and interests, be afraid of only is to do not have a law to make, such deep love may take the option of venereal teenager rapist.

And, to this teenager rapist, also need to make him clear, he is not OK everywhere relieve oneself, can not rape a woman, can be punished badly otherwise.

Because of all-pervasive narcissism, a lot of people won't acknowledge a mistake of one's own accord absolutely.

And direct penalty, can let them know them are wrong, at the same time cautionary also this kind of more people: Not OK everywhere relieve oneself, others of not OK and wanton harm.

This ability is good to him, at least, it is better to his soul.

Want to come out from inside the nightmare with big general toilet, need to identify the presence of defecate above all, be handled well, is not saying defecate is good thing, press still person eats go down.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

Zhu Hao.

Say with you not the young gentleman of good night.

Author introduction: Wu Zhigong, reprint from public date Wu Zhigong (Wzhxlx) . A professional psychological platform, offer psychology to seek advice, the service such as content, course, evaluation. Come here and we are one case, open a life that oneself said to calculate.

16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish

Not good night hour:

Be far from this [foolish enthusiasm] .


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16 years old of schoolboys rape a girl to reconcile successfully: Turn what into the act of charity, be a kind foolish
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