" fill basket ace " divine Nai plain county which combination is best?

Original team combination is very actually good, combined best namely almost e.g. Hunan north group, have flint of light produced by electricity the fertile land of city of palace of full back controlling a ball of average rate, ability of assault fortified positions exceeds strong small forward to flow plain maple, projectile ability exceeds notch by force birthday of full back Mitsui, the wood of big forward cherry with bank inapproachable ability is spent, have super and stable and puissant center bare Mu Gangxian. This team is done not have in the god Nai plain county takes the first to give a clue, because adjust,be only period short still.

" fill basket ace " divine Nai plain county which combination is best?

The potential that cherry wood spends is very tremendous, and he just just contacts basketball the abecedarian of 3 months, try time had many to need not say by force, flow plain maple all the time since it is alone (poison) the existence of tumour, basically be Japanese high school the encounters compare very hard adversary in be born, cope with average team he is only alone just, contribution is very large still. Poison was become when coping with hill king industry, whole department caricature sees with respect to here stream plain maple be being pressed completely hit and be inferior to adversary, what what I hope is finally if he remembered celestial being path follows him to had said, singles can pass a ball nevertheless, basketball is 5 the individual's game after all, after understanding this reason, flow plain maple basketball closes waited to open a door again then, the first player also cannot capability of smooth individual singles is strong, return so that can establish ties drive whole team, still need hard.

" fill basket ace " divine Nai plain county which combination is best?

Circle in the air south in relief, hill, Hainan these team are not young, can say despot is compressed only was in divine Nai plain county, say military successes had better arrive 8 strong abundant jade, to Chi Mugang constitution is not restricted completely, bank of n/COL the head of a family star this too defiant (it is strong but also did not go by force which) , run of banging team big before so return a responsibility, hit position ability to affirm very broken bits, also won't be squelched get whole field to be obliged 53 minutes by great glory institute otherwise. Killer of ace of byname of the intense austral another husband, notice with the judgment the place that be less than injures a person intentionally, follow to touch porcelain every day simply same, cope with stranger useful, how does the house of earth of great glory institute that is the same as a county pure to was not abandoned by him? Leave a heart to notice he makes caustic is enrolled with respect to it doesn't matter, what Xiang Tianyan says is right, this kind of team is not the adversary south hill absolutely.

" fill basket ace " divine Nai plain county which combination is best?

The coach allocates every team for a long time, magical 4 strong itself combine Nai plain best namely, there is A mind outside there is A Mu inside Hainan team, assault fortified positions of the group austral hill has blessing field, the palm accuses overall situation to have celestial being way, defend the fish lives, if do not get rid of a fish to live at the outset, hainan team cannot win south hill, in former years gives a clue the 2nd times circle in the air in relief instead became a the youngest team. Also appeared in animation circle in the air hill wing, it is so good to do not have those who think of everybody to cooperate, even if such, still lost Hunan north line finally.

Civil: Dragon knight Xie Lu

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