Gu Yueting arbitration loses a lawsuit however argue says " comprehensive victory " lawyer doubt s

Get the war of the urgent arbitration with the Gu Yueting that fix eyes upon and big constant fully, declare loses a lawsuit with Gu Yueting end. However, gu Yueting issued the statement of a promiscuous seeing and hearing however now, emphasize oneself again " gain decisive victory " .

Gu Yueting arbitration loses a lawsuit however argue says " comprehensive victory " lawyer doubt should state promiscuous seeing and hearing

According to be close to constant great public figure expresses, constant big health serves as appear on the market company, the news briefing of announcement content is very rigorous, can bear legal responsibility. Change concept, promiscuous seeing and hearing secretly in solemn statement in view of FF and Gu Yueting, misdirect public, constant is at present big interior is studying with lawyer group, consider pair of FF and Gu Yueting to lodge a complaint. For this, the reporter interviewed many legal group public figure and personage of know the inside story at this point, reductive nitty-gritty.

Gu Yueting arbitration loses a lawsuit however argue says " comprehensive victory " lawyer doubt should state promiscuous seeing and hearing

One, Gu Yueting expresses in statement, reject to pay financing for the obligation in arbitrating front courtyard rejected constant to did not fulfil an agreement with FF greatly (the 500 million U.S. dollor that ought pay ahead of schedule this year namely) formulation.

Afore-mentioned legal group public figures express, urgent and arbitral front courtyard won't be right bilateral whether break a contact gives a ruling, urgent arbitration is formal arbitration a before temporarily aid helps measure, the purpose is company current situation maintains before final arbitration. Already just was close to going bankrupt at present considering FF, just agree with FF to undertake having the financing of strict requirement.

2, Gu Yueting expresses in statement, FF offerred constant big health to disobey its affirmatory to FF capital relevant evidence to tighten the triumph in urgent relief arbitration in this.

Afore-mentioned legal group public figures express, urgent arbitration belongs to critical benefit to help measure, say in jural nonexistent triumph, be in however appeal to bilaterally beg between search a balance, reject what harm interest of the other side badly to appeal to beg. Accordingly, gu Yueting puts forward " the application that big financing of thoroughly privative constant agrees with to counterpoise " and " remove the new application of hypothec of constant big capital fund " all support of unavailable arbitral center, the financing that gives Gu Yueting to have strict requirement only counterpoises.

3, Gu Yueting expresses in statement, heng Dajian rejects FF about arbitral front courtyard in health announcement the view that big financing of thoroughly privative constant agrees with authority to apply for and fact not agree with completely. According to book of urgent relief adjudication, FF is in urgent relief arbitration is medium do not have relevant appeal to beg. And the application that the 500 million U.S. dollor that FF puts forward replaces financing to counterpoise obtains arbitral front courtyard to support in the round, announcement of constant big health is intended the FF in another arbitration appeal to beg with aid of close emergency treatment is promiscuous.

Afore-mentioned legal group public figures express, according to Heng Dajian health announcement, the urgent and arbitral result that the company gets, hong Kong arbitral center rejected Gu Yueting clearly the application that big financing of thoroughly privative constant agrees with to counterpoise. Arbitral front courtyard allows FF to undertake having the financing of strict requirement, it is to consider FF already was close to going bankrupt at present, this action is to support the collective rights and interests that the business of FF grows and protects shareholder. Relative to Yu Jian's only statement, appear on the market company announcement is to need to assume legal responsibility, visible FF statement is put in promiscuous seeing and hearing.

4, Gu Yueting expresses in statement, the argument that the application that removes asset lien about have a bowel movement of FF requirement constant is rejected by arbitral front courtyard also nots agree with with the fact, adjudication book shows, arbitral front courtyard did not make any rulings with respect to this one application, will rule in another arbitration however this item.

Gu Yueting arbitration loses a lawsuit however argue says " comprehensive victory " lawyer doubt should state promiscuous seeing and hearing

Occupy personage of know the inside story to divulge, gu Yueting puts forward suddenly in dispatch of arbitral on October 18 listen to want the new application of hypothec of privative constant big capital fund, and the member that should apply for to already was cut into parts by urgent intermediate is rejected at 22 days, relevant law copy clerk already allotted that day, because arbitral book of these 25 days repeats no longer. And Gu Yueting comes to the public with was not being narrated in 25 days of arbitral books " suggestion " arbitral front courtyard never rejects asset hypothec, apparently promiscuous seeing and hearing.

5, Gu Yueting expresses in statement, big health of constant of adjudication of arbitral front courtyard will be in charge of paying FF this urgent relief arbitration relevant law fee, belong to the legal obligation that loses a lawsuit to just should be fulfilled, this also is the direct evidence that constant defeat utterly appeals to.

Gu Yueting arbitration loses a lawsuit however argue says " comprehensive victory " lawyer doubt should state promiscuous seeing and hearing

Personages of afore-mentioned know the inside story disclose, gu Yueting mentions the total cost of this second arbitration exceeds 20 million, come from the investment money with big constant entirely, the taking investor money that this is a model tells investor.

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