Alibaba oppugns motive of a list of names posted up of introduced from the northern and western nati

Forbes released newest 2018 blessing cloth this 400 plute a list of names posted up of Chinese are released 25 days this month, ma Yun becomes Chinese head two hundred and thirty-eight billion seven hundred and forty million yuan rich, ma Huateng of chairman of Tecent board of directors is located in sheet of a list of names posted up two hundred and twenty-six billion three hundred and twenty million yuan with fortune the 2nd. 10 thousand amount to group president Wang Jianlin with one hundred and fifty-six billion six hundred and thirty million yuan, rank the 4th. Suitable abundant accuses a president king to defend fortune to count one hundred and two billion eight hundred and ten million yuan, rank the 7th. Chairman of Baidu board of directors holds fortune of CEO plum Yan Hong concurrently one hundred billion seven hundred and forty million yuan, rank the 9th. Millet appeared on the market in July hind, the fortune of president Lei Jun rises 82.11 billion yuan, rank the 11st this year.

what does Hu Runbang have to use

2018 Forbes 400 plute a list of names posted up of Chinese

Originally cloth of single shot of this a list of names posted up is had no how old influence, but academy of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad on October 26 embellish releases his child a list of names posted up " 2018 introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad embellish are covered show entrepreneur 30 strong " . Data shows, 30 mainland entrepreneur were covered one year in all in the past show 83.8 billion yuan, be will 10 years divide besides 2015, set show number one year highest. Among them, real-estate industry is covered now entrepreneur is most, occupy 40% , add close in part than last year.

100 rich president hold Hu Run concurrently presiding survey member Hu Run expresses: "The dimensions as Chinese enterprise is changed, share out bonus becomes entrepreneur big a showing the mainest way. " 30 are covered in showing entrepreneur, having 19 basically is to go one year to be in appear on the market the share out bonus that company earnings goes to, occupy always go up 63% of number of a list of names posted up.

And those who make this a list of names posted up odd get dispute fully is, familial past covers cloud of indication horse of sheet of a list of names posted up one year now 11 billion become " 2018 show king " . Caused Alibaba's dissatisfaction with respect to this, alibaba make a response, expression goes out " China does not need plute a list of names posted up, china needs entrepreneur drive " .

what does Hu Runbang have to use

Public data shows, beautiful IPO is gone to early in Alibaba before on April 25, 2014, ma Yun and Cai Chongxin announce together, contribute give them to embrace some, overall dimensions to be Alibaba in Alibaba group total capital stock the period authority of 2% , use at establishing individual commonweal fiducial fund, development of health of supportive environmental protection, medical treatment, education and commonweal zoology.

To cash acceptance of this one commonweal, in September 2017, the charitable foundation of Ma Yun and Cai Chongxin signed 10b5-1 to make work a plan: Inside 12 months since October 2017, according to the clause that decides beforehand, ma Yun and Cai Chongxin will sell the share of relevant measure respectively, in order to reach commonweal charity acceptance. Go one year, the share that they sell, carry out to what this plans just about.

The respect expresses Alibaba, be in this " Hu Run is covered show a list of names posted up " before releasing, the data communication that never has any forms with group of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad profit and fact are checked. To paying close attention to fortune one-sidedly, and the Hu Runbang that lacks factual basis badly, alibaba is accuracy, professional to its especially social value expresses doubt.

The professional, accuracy of a list of names posted up of rich and powerful people of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad benefit and objectivity are oppugned in recent years ceaselessly. Him Hu Run ever expressed publicly to media: "We can ensure only 60% to the accuracy of 70% . " at the same time he also admits to be in the process of sheet of a list of names posted up that make, often can get plute people invite, have even send content to send the behavior such as money directly.

Chief expresses related Alibaba: A list of names posted up of rich and powerful people of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad benefit pays close attention to plute fortune merely, ignore entrepreneur spirit, cause misdirect to the public. Appealing the social big setting that promotes entrepreneur spirit falls ceaselessly currently, very it's hard to say has what society value, right instead promote confidence of business of hearten civilian battalion, promote entrepreneur spirit to take negative effect.

Then they are to be in after all what to contend for, one is to say you are " 2018 show king " , one says I do money go off with commonweal, you a false a list of names posted up, what do you want to do?

what does Hu Runbang have to use

There was media early to point out 2012: "Frequency of only black dragon shows Hu Runbang, pop chart already reduced profitable tool. " if accuracy is mixed,objectivity all cannot assure, a list of names posted up of rich and powerful people of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad benefit very it's hard to say has what society sense.

Since a list of names posted up of plute of China of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad embellish is rolled out, can say to accompanying different argument and censure all the time. Somebody is what it says " recreation is beautiful " , return those who have person to be even " a list of names posted up that kill a hog " , " accident a list of names posted up " , with plute people if for, who took seriously sheet of a list of names posted up? A plute evaluates a list of names posted up of this China plute so namely: "What a list of names posted up does not have any meanings to me on, I do not have time to pay close attention to this " . More somebody thinks, plute a list of names posted up is English introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad embellish nevertheless a product of to achieve him profit goal work out just, because media coverage says, because Hu Run discharges a list of names posted up to also discharge his into multimillionaire. Undeniable, plute a list of names posted up is product of a research really, and also make through this product Hurun became multimillionaire.

what does Hu Runbang have to use

The plute domain on fortune a list of names posted up distributings, calendar year will discharge a replace, the wave motion that fortune is worth changes, still can see China these year the corresponding case that economy grows. Worth while and relevant data analyses research.

? Come to the individual body home with Chinese rich head through calendar year, we feel the one side that develops to Chinese economy high speed. And the Hu Run that reflect even if gave heat first 1999 100 rich a list of names posted up, doorsill of a list of names posted up has 50 million yuan only on, plute of a list of names posted up has 50 people only on; The plute a list of names posted up 2006, plute of a list of names posted up achieves 500 first on, lowermost doorsill 800 million yuan, among them before 10 have one billion four hundred and ten million and sixty-five thousand four hundred and eight social status. Social status of Xu Jiayin half an year rose 2017 2000 much, with 290 billion ascend a Chinese head first rich, 2016 his fortune is 78 billion; Ma Huateng fortune also when the river rises the boat goes up too, list with 250 billion the 2nd, relatively go up year of growth in part; Ma Yun is listed with 200 billion the 3rd. Mere time of a year, before Chinese plute 100 money worth rises on average 6 into. But sufferred a stock to drop 2018, the RMB devalues, ascended Forbes last year in 400 plute of Chinese plute a list of names posted up, more than 3/4 experience fortune to drop. 93 people lose out. In the rich and powerful person that keeps on a list of names posted up, before having the fortune of 229 people to compare one year, reduce, the fortune of the rich and powerful person that has nearly 1/3 was reduced 20% more even. But from integral big trend, pass through plute a list of names posted up, we can see, accompanying the development of Chinese society, chinese plute is increasing, actual strength is more and more abundant also. And come a few this years the pertinent information such as the migratory change of economic key industry also is reflected inside. A list of names posted up is so odd each data may be put inevitably in careless mistake, but overall data still has very great sense.

Speak: This the feeling of incident is like, party of caption of fortune a list of names posted up, " 2018 show king " Ma Yun, get big flow, come out to say money does commonweal in A next, be more or less be also you those who say that.

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