Bedside devil: Charming wife is bestowed favor on every day

Bedside devil: Charming wife is bestowed favor on every day

The man with the 1st wrong chapter

"The water that use ice spills her to me wake, bad my important matter, let you issue hell completely! " Fang Yicheng's cold blusterous path, face about goes aside sofa edge sits in, of one face calm.

Lie on the ground, the water that feels icy and biting only, the whole body is raided to fluctuate between instantly, biting chill, make the consciousness with small cloudy Nuo sober rise while, also cannot help hit cold quiver.

Open an eye, see an eye ahead, that builds the man that Luo Hao sees like hell, using combative eyes, die to death visual her.

Small Nuo was psyched out, go up from the ground immediately sit up, drenched dress, also closely stick on the body, stunned expression, dare not see that new man.

"Regained consciousness quite? Think carefully, know after all, otherwise I but won't forgive your oh! " Fang Yicheng's wrong minatory way.

This is his killer mace all along, hide a dagger in a smile, but pure to this kind of Qing Dynasty student, look like it doesn't matter to use.

"I do not know really! ! " small Nuo crouchs the body that rise, those who tremble is fierce, at the moment she has been faint.

If she knows, won't be had by that terrible man the body, if she knows, won't be here so helpless.

What small Nuo subdues is good want to cry, an indescribable woman, her world, pulled hell.

She is very curious really, that woman, who be after all?

"Give me her go in coop basement! " such, be worn to rise by two people, forward outside procrastinate.

Small Nuo besides the astounded expression with one pale face, other whats are done do not come out, because arrive now, she still crosses a god to come without delay, gave what business after all recently.

A chain of, she can use neither one cerebrum thinks.

By person firm firm throw into a dim house, had not waited for small Nuo reaction to come over, the door by shut heavily.

"Hello, who are you? Put me! " the is beating that black iron gate that Li Xiaonuo fears.

Can be for a long time, be in charge of her without the person, have acedia feeling only, be in slowly the soul that eating her.

Abrupt, faint whoop is transmitted in the room, small Nuo was frightened jump, crouch a body, staring at audio origin place with one's eyes open.

"Be... small Nuo? " faint and hoarse voice, rang weakly.

Small Nuo is stupefied be stupefied stand up, for a long time just down dim lamplight, develop audio source, cried to rise " elder brother, how can be you caught! ! !!

Hoping to lie on the ground, badly mutilated elder brother, small Nuo instant is stupefied.

How can you produce this kind of thing? She still thinks elder brother, be safety? Did not think of... ? For what is all these after all?

A chain of interrogation, let the heart of small Nuo, mat hemp, visit the elder brother that experience hurts again again, she has felt helpless.

"Small Nuo... it is the elder brother killed you! " Li Hai's feel sorry sound, rise in the noise side the ear of small Nuo.

Small Nuo pop eye, visitting an elder brother is haemal hand completely, asp sound, ask " how be to return a responsibility after all? Ask " how be to return a responsibility after all??

To now, in her brain, or sizy, know far from, produced what thing after all.

"Shenyang pretties even if... Jun Jun, I was saved last month... that woman. " Li Hai one face is penitent, it is that woman, killed them.

If time returns the past again, he won't have a hand in the thing that has nothing to do with oneself again, so this world, it is the world of be worldly wise and make oneself safe really.

Small Nuo this ability suddenly be enlightened, should guess early, be her? But they do not have a relation, what business does she do? Why should blame the body that follows an elder brother in her to go up?

Dark world, keep be being raided madly, small Nuo has not enough time to think at all, have to accept.

In villa, the face takes square Yi Chengyi evilly on sofa, see only at this moment a man that wears white dress, forward he goes.

"Into elder brother, he Jiaju does He Hang's funeral, we should not appear! " Jin Long asks cautiously.

Square Yi Cheng stands up from sofa, path " gibberish, want to go of course, if do not go, he Jingnan perhaps, calculate this Zhang on my head really. Calculate this Zhang on my head really..

Bedside devil: Charming wife is bestowed favor on every day

The 2nd chapter does not have the battlefield of smoke of gunpowder

The combat between a rich and powerful family, a that when be defeated, it is that one party that does not sink to enrage absolutely.

"Shen Qian, still do not have a bit message to now, take in one's hand confidential, we also... " Jin Long continues slowly path come.

Also just become frown head, cold growl " search this world, want to find that woman, kill without condone! Remember, want to obtain the important data of company of congratulate family name! ! !!

He Hang's funeral, in He Jia some outskirts villa is held.

He Jingnan is hoping to be hanged on the wall, father's black-and-white photograph, in the heart with respect to hard to avoid acerb.

Very small when, he does not have mom, with father and grandfather a life is brought up, but did not think of, accident, he is late a minute, that blamed woman, hurt father actually.

The heart pledges secretly, no matter that woman arrives the remotest corners of the earth, he should catch her, killed her.

"President, fang Yicheng came! " below one a famous player, in back in a low voice report to.

Eye of congratulate scene Nan one dark, return to normal very quickly again, nod, he knew signal.

Be in at this moment, square also comes in into the direction from the doorway, follow a few bodyguard after one's death.

"Congratulate big president, is this how? The person absolutelies refuse to can resurgent ah! ! " the speech that Fang Yicheng moves in case, taking the note of ponder.

Locking of congratulate scene Nan pupil, enclasp double fist, for a long time is extended again come " my father dies at the accident, but I pledge, scarcely can let a murderer be at large, catch him, must break him cadaver 10 thousand paragraphs! ! " He Jingnan Leng Leng.

Although know he is person of abet of behind the curtain, but this moment, he won't not sink to enrage, act rashly and alert the enemy.

The company reveals the data that go out, where doesn't he still know to be in now? Li Xiaonuo is in Fang Yicheng's hand, more did not know to speak what kind of truth, at the moment he can be borne only.

Fang Yicheng is carried raise eyebrow, from the hand of at hand, had received sweet, bowed, getting at hand forward outside go.

He Jingnan is staring at Fang Yicheng that abhorrent back, wanted to kill him immediately really.

In basement.

Small Nuo have the aid of is worn dim lamp, crouch together with the elder brother, the light is not particularly good here, what throw all round is completely a few abandon old table, chair, and have a mildew taste.

Small Nuo thinks, the likelihood is the storehouse that very few somebody comes in here or basement.

Abrupt, hear faint footstep, of small Nuo vigilance stand up from the ground, to Li Hai " elder brother, somebody came! ! !!

The word just said, the door is pushed, the light of a dazzling was passed outside, see that new man only, stepping on light, from outside shade is worn a piece of face entered basement.

"I give you two ways now go, it is you find out Shen Qian, 2 be, you help me obtain a data afresh, otherwise I killed you! ! " on the face that smile a thin smile, taking what never had had is gloomy and cold.

What he needs is the secret of company of congratulate scene Nan, and this process is done by who, not important.

Important is, he obtains that data.

Small Nuo is surprised staring at a man " where don't I know Shen Qian is in? And more what is the data that does not know you say? And more what is the data that does not know you say??

Those things of business circles, they do not understand, small Nuo also does not understand, what is the data after all? She does not do different.

Can you wait dead only? Without the eye of any expectation, staring at new man.

Probably her heart, early had compromised the arrangement of the destiny.

Be in instantly, hear a voice of sad wail only, small Nuo helplessly look at a dagger, lunge before the elder brother's bosom.

Blood flows continuously, shocking, small Nuo is looking at a man, does loud growl " what should you do? Devil, your devil, be sick! ! !!

Beside want to develop an elder brother, but was held off by Fang Yicheng however outlet.

Before small Nuo cannot help beating Fang Yicheng's bosom wildly, but appear,do not become menace to his compose at all.

Also just become laugh of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, reach a hand, clutch lives the neck of small Nuo, her weaker body, carried from the ground.

Immediately, asphyxial feeling is transmitted, the foot of small Nuo also left the area.

Logy is looking at the man with that one wrong face, on the face of small Nuo, showed a compromise.

Does the 3rd chapter let her steal a material?

Be in when be about to lose consciousness, feel the man's force a little bit laxer, back-to-back body loses gravity, whole person flew.

Bump aside on the wall, again heavy trip is in cold on firm cement ground, small Nuo feels only that momently, the heart should be swung to come out it seems that.

The filar silk blood of erasure corners of the mouth, small Nuo is using empty eyes to looking at Fang Yicheng, she knows, this man, want to harm them, simply easy as my eyes.

If want,help an elder brother at the moment, can promise his requirement only, no matter where be to go? What data to obtain? Should compare this momently, should let a person had felt.

"Put my elder brother, I promise you! ! " after many think under, small Nuo agrees helplessly. ,

Although she knows far from, what there is her from the back is after all how destiny, but she does not think helplessly look at an elder brother, die in her before.

"I give you the time of 3 months, if take,do not answer a data, so you do not see your elder brother forever! ! " Fang Yicheng waves signal at hand, gave small Nuo with goosefoot kelp basement.

Fang Yicheng very the sea giving goosefoot that keep good faith asked a doctor, and small Nuo just also understands eventually at the moment, she wants taken data, it is the secret of company of congratulate scene Nan, from his computer, find out backup.

Because of spirit away of Jun Jun elder sister data, miss now, where to know without the person that data is in? So she must be gotten replace Jun Jun, take a material afresh again.

Small Nuo is looking at Fang Yicheng, write on the face full agonized, good escaped not easily beside that devil, want her to go back again now?

And even does she play tricks beside He Jingnan's? Never mention it can obtain a data, should ask her can living come back, went.

For the elder brother, small Nuo decides gamble, alarming namely one dies.

Understood a few materials that oneself should take, small Nuo left villa, the bruise of all over the body, of one face decadent.

Looking at urban night sky, even more decadent than her, tick off a lip, acid laugh.

Her life, because of that woman, changed thoroughly, if have an opportunity later, she still can see that woman, so she wants to hit her very much really two hand.

Be in at this moment, see a road nearby, stop the racing bike of a bully gas, be like ever was acquainted.

Beside although know to want,method returns He Jingnan, but still be some,fear, the pace that quickens then wants to leave, but who knows this moment, the door opened, the sound that lets small Nuo heartbreak is transmitted inside.

She now is to be in a dilemma, displeased these two abdomens black strong man, she reckons leaving dead is not very far,

"Get on a car! " icy sound, be familiar with too too, invite small Nuo body one shake.

A lot of complex expression appeared on time face suddenly, what change later is ghastly and ghastly.

Strange nevertheless is, she had gone on this driveway very long very long.

He Jingnan? How does he know she is here? The labial horn of small Nuo, convulsive two, can she still escape?

Hoping to hope to be less than the driveway at, see the racing bike of that black again, she very of know how to behave in a delicate situation good gracious got on a car.

Door shuts instantly, she hears dead bugle call it seems that.

"Dare you escape? " He Jingnan turns the head looks at Li Xiaonuo, cold path.

Look she is do not know where Shen Qian is really, also just become otherwise also won't put her, be her after all come beside should return oneself? Be still he wants her to come back?

A time bomb is installed beside, it is quite pretty good also, he won't let off this woman, regular meeting lets all people that had injured father, issue hell completely.

"I... " small Nuo is speechless, if do not take care to speak, be captured on the road that she escapes, be met next by minatory ability come back, so the elder brother has risk really.

This thought circled in brain after for a long time, disappear thoroughly disappear.

Bedside devil: Charming wife is bestowed favor on every day

The 4th chapter returns him beside!

Calculated, when escaping, should think of to be able to have such consequence.

And now, beside she is not knowing how to return He Jingnan, he finds her, such better, have a hall and of emperor reason goes back.

Catching the chin of small Nuo with the hand, her body, pull a bosom in, staring at her to death to death " how do you want to die? Otherwise throws you to sea mile to feed a shark! Otherwise throws you to sea mile to feed a shark!!

Just be apart from a seaside not far, need not expend interest goes searching, he Jingnan is looking at Li Xiaonuo, pale face, cannot help want to laugh!

"Not... not! " small Nuo is placed immediately place a hand, show the expression of a pair of beg for mercy.

Small Nuo absolutely thinks those who be less than is, he Jingnan is mean and shameless send a person to follow her all the time.

Her every act, it is in his control.

"Otherwise, you beg me! My humor is perhaps good, put you! " He Jingnan is carried raise eyebrow, using the eye of that green, staring at Li Xiaonuo, light method.

The word says, from when to begin, does he like to play game with young woman student? This is not his individual character.

The likelihood is he feels, the day that await is too dull, look for a person to play game so, OK also goof.

Small Nuo has fallen into water in one's childhood in, be come to always does not have what good impression to water.

"I beg you, put me! " small Nuo pleases looking at He Jingnan, necessary hour, betray next mouth, what be close friends than selling the soul is much.

He Jingnan is looking at Li Xiaonuo, double eye was full of blaze immediately, can you excuse scarcely?

"Be bad! " turn over press Li Xiaonuo on deputy driver's seat, ferocious path.

Escape even if betray, can he let off her so easily?

Also be warm-up nevertheless just, he plays with her slowly from the back.

Think of here, labial horn of He Jingnan, showed weird laugh with respect to what cannot help.

"How do you think? " the pop eye that small Nuo is at a loss, looking at He Jingnan.

In the heart unavoidable wipe a fear, because of his eyes, seem to taking move of a kind of kill.

Her missay what? Really, she escaped, can you be already beg for mercy is? ?

"You like to play game, I accompany you! " reach a hand, rip off goosefoot sticks the condole belt of Shen on small Nuo body, double eye is taking fury, staring at Li Xiaonuo to death to death.

Do not nod color to look to her, it is good to think he is really the part that meet.

"Not, unlock me! " small Nuo is looking at He Jingnan, some fear.

Although be first time any more? Do but she still is hard to avoid,some fear?

The eyes that be surprised is staring at He Jingnan, should he be here? In the car? Outside looking at car window inky, one is shown on small Nuo face ghastly,

"Allow when to be awaited, I consider the business that do, nobody can refuse! " the both hands that captures small Nuo careless brandish, ferocious path.

" bedside is diabolical: Charming wife is bestowed favor on every day "

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