Data of strange animal horror compares humeral Chamberlain! Alphabetical elder brother shows breatht

Trade for long as this summer, whole alliance is in imperceptible in the change that had produced world-shaking, a lot of team also will be faced with the open that facing new sports season more grim challenge, and among them hart team as the team that is in ascendant phase all the time, they also need to receive it seems that new challenge, but nevertheless elder brother of letter of hart husband star is having enough hope however.

Data of strange animal horror compares humeral Chamberlain! Alphabetical elder brother shows breathtaking actual strength, greek god animal erupts in the round

Well-known letter elder brother as a giant star that rises abruptly gradually, he had proved his value in nearly a few sports season, height arm exhibits unusual bloodcurdling he often can let adversary feel blast a despair, and the alphabetical elder brother of this summer was to finish farther aggrandizement more it seems that, in new sports season a few short elder brother of the letter in the match has been shown came out very bloodcurdling one side.

Data of strange animal horror compares humeral Chamberlain! Alphabetical elder brother shows breathtaking actual strength, greek god animal erupts in the round

In before a few matches of new sports season alphabetical elder brother has been chopped continuously fell 25 add notch and the 15 horrible data that add bank, and in subsequently match alphabetical elder brother is more farther the breathtaking data that erupted to with a bang give 10 bank 32 minutes for a time, the strong performance that facing alphabetical elder brother a lot of fan also associate to basketball in succession big handsome Chamberlain, the data of alphabetical elder brother had been become nowadays from the first potential energy after Chamberlain quite advanced the player of so horrible data in 4 matches, the show that must say alphabetical elder brother makes a person be astonished greatly really.

Data of strange animal horror compares humeral Chamberlain! Alphabetical elder brother shows breathtaking actual strength, greek god animal erupts in the round

And new sports season just just begins, alphabetical elder brother also will be shown step by step it seems that in the training achievement of summer come out, will the bold with this motion remarkable ability have will bring fan people what kind of surprise? Let our wait and see what happens!

Data of strange animal horror compares humeral Chamberlain! Alphabetical elder brother shows breathtaking actual strength, greek god animal erupts in the round

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