Was about immediately 2019, farmer friend is handed in in comment new farming the issue that closes medical treatment cost, 2019 after all capture how many? Because new agricultural cooperation is annual,a lot of farmers are not 220 yuan, this pays a level too tall, pay do not have this money, but let a lot of people feel he is undeserved, because I know to there are a few people in the country,had not used first and last new farming close, but they should pay every year still, and want overpay every year, of course, they have a lot of to complain, this is inequitable to them, current, of new generation new farming add up to price on the high side, so they think 220 yuan when pay are a kind of waste, OK and affirmative is, if the farmer falls ill to stay in the hospital, very big effect can be produced after starting.
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The experience of a lot of people beside me tells me, when farmer disease very heavy when, only they attend new farming close, total spending can be gotten less a lot of, repay rate also meet very tall, to most farmer friend, new farming close to resembled buying an umbrella for oneself, it was not used possibly in fine sky, our much further meeting snows in the climate of the day, it is very apparent that its action can say, if you want to continue to enjoy material benefits of insurance of medical treatment of new rural area to be able to submit an expense account, must on time sum pays, only few number person can obtain riddance to hand in new farming close, for example, a lot of ground the Chinese system of weights and measures decided relevant policy, to the impoverished family of those people that hold card, their member may not need to pay this pen cash, after perhaps paying cash to them, sum of local government need is met partial refund, in order to ensure the cost of living of these truly impoverished families is not quite high, lest they again sink is impoverished, to a lot of families, had become heavy burden in the policy of benefit people to one tenet, some families had lost original intent, suggest those do not have the person that uses a minute of fund one year afore, lest make a part,can be sure in next year gold, such word, the sense of the farmer will be a bit better,
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To the farmer the friend says below, pay cost is not in an unfavorable situation, if got the following a serious illness, assure to be able to be experienced new farming the gain that close.
(one) limits of deliverance of medical treatment of a serious illness:
If have attend try out dweller of country of iatrical of collaboration of new rural area and along with ginseng add up to parents to enjoy new farming the new student that joins medical treatment pay, every is accorded with following one of 3 conditions, for example limits of deliverance of medical treatment of rural a serious illness.
1, ginseng add up to rural dweller the first diagnose suffer from children leukaemia to basically be diagnosed, 0-14 one full year of life, children is congenital heart disease, 0-14 one full year of life, include congenital room lie between be short of caustic, but between nature room lie between be short of caustic, congenital arterial conduit was not shut and congenital pulmonary artery valve is narrow, eventually evening nephrosis, breast cancer, palace neck cancer, weigh sexual spirit disease, tuberculosis of that many medicine, SB opportunity sex appeal is caught, lung cancer, esophagus cancer, cancer of the stomach, colonic cancer, rectum cancer, leukaemia of chronic bead cell, acute miocardial infarction, cerebral a low bank of earth between fields fills in, hemophiliac, I sex is diabetic, jia Kang, labial cleft palate, BH4 lacks disease, danger weighs 22 kinds of major diseases such as pregnant puerpera, be in hospital and charge of medical treatment of outpatient service of a serious illness, classics is new farming close after submitting an expense account, new farming close submit an expense account inside policy limits, year of individual conceit charge, natural year similarly hereinafter, accumulative total 3000 yuan of above, press 3000 yuan, year of charge of conceit of the individual inside part and policy limits, natural year similarly hereinafter, accumulative total 3000 yuan of above, contain 3000 yuan of parts.
2, be born outside 22 kinds of several major diseases, ginseng add up to rural dweller in those days be in hospital and charge of medical treatment of outpatient service of a serious illness, classics is new farming close after submitting an expense account, new farming close submit an expense account inside policy limits, accumulative total of year of individual conceit charge 20 thousand yuan of above (contain 20 thousand yuan) charge of conceit of the individual inside part and policy limits, year accumulative total 40 thousand yuan of above (contain 40 thousand yuan) part.
3, right new farming close submit an expense account the charge outside policy limits stipulates its occupy upper limit of scale of medical treatment total cost, one form is new farming add up to the medical establishment that decide a dot to be 10% (contain 10% similarly hereinafter) 2 form are new farming join the medical establishment that decide a dot for 20% , outside city class and city new farming join the medical establishment that decide a dot for 30% , the charge outside the limits of prep above upper limit does not grant accessorial.
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(2) to following scenario, do not include deliverance of medical treatment of rural a serious illness range:
1, reach this urban district without approval or outside be not go to a doctor of the medical establishment that decide a dot;
2, should by the government fragmentary arrangement is special the communal sanitation of capital serves an item, (for instance vaccinate, the medicine before marriage is checked, prevent health care, healthy education) the medical cost that produces inside limits;
3, hairdressing, reduce weight, accompany protect wait for the blame disease dispensary that happen to require cost;
4, because of inductrial injury accident, unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment, traffic accident, fight affray clear responsibility just is caused, drink drives after wine, without according to drive without card, pilfer robs those who wait for illegal violate the rules and regulations to cause oneself to harm, because of from incomplete, suicide, drug taking cause oneself to harm;
5, abortion, abort reach the charge that takes place of measure of other family planning to happen;
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(3) standard of deliverance of medical treatment of rural a serious illness:
1, the ginseng that contracts 22 kinds of major diseases adds up to rural dweller, its be in hospital and outpatient service of a serious illness are brought into new farming close submit an expense account inside policy limits, accumulative total of year of individual conceit charge exceeds share of 3000 yuan of above, give minister by 60% scale, new farming close submit an expense account accumulative total of year of the charge outside policy limits exceeds share of 3000 yuan of above, give minister by 20% scale;
2, add up to rural dweller except the ginseng outside contracting 22 kinds of major diseases, its be in hospital and outpatient service of a serious illness are brought into new farming close submit an expense account inside policy limits, individual conceit charge, year accumulative total exceeds the share of 20 thousand yuan of above, give minister by 60% scale, new farming close submit an expense account the share that accumulative total of year of the charge outside policy limits exceeds 40 thousand yuan of above, give minister by 20% scale;
3, charge of deliverance of medical treatment of rural a serious illness and deliverance amount accumulative total are in season calculate by natural year, year saving amount seals top line 100 thousand yuan;
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(4) deliverance of medical treatment of a serious illness basically serves a target:
1, country 5 protect a boy or girl friend;
2, town does not have labor ability, without economic income source, the personnel that cannot bring up a person (abbreviation town 3 without personnel)
3, life of lowest of urban and rural dweller ensures an object;
4, enjoy civil administration branch the 60 time of fixed and mensurable extra allowance for living expanses cut quit working worker;
5, the object of key give special care to disabled servicemen and to family members of martyrs and servicemen that enjoys civil administration branch to support hematic subsidy regularly;
6, the especially tired worker of check and ratify of Chinese labour union;
7, member of family of urban and rural low income;
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(5) deliverance of medical treatment of a serious illness basically includes the following illness:
1, make uremia fixed hematic film is dialytic cure, those who point to is: All sorts of nephrosis diseases are amalgamative kidney function fails, (namely uremic patient) but need fixed be in hospital to have dialytic treatment, is not general medication.
2, it is malignant tumor disease, the meeting that change cure is radiative of cure, those who point to is: All sorts of cancer need to undertake anticarcinogen content treats the person that treat with illuminate, do not include cancer to the operation is treated and support treatment commonly;
3, it is serious infectivity, hepatitis, tuberculosis, the: that point to?
4, the patient that is acute leukaemia and heavy-duty aplastic anemia includes:
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(1) leukaemia of acute lymphocyte sex (cent B) MO (differential of leukaemia of acute marrow cell changes model) , M1 acute is not lymphocyte sex leukaemia (cent B) : MO (leukaemia of acute marrow cell, small become divided) , M2 (leukaemia of acute bead cell, partial become divided) , leukaemia of cell of M3(acute bead) , M4 (acute bead one monocyte leukaemia) , M5 (acute monocyte leukaemia) , M6 (acute red leukaemia) , M7 (leukaemia of cell of acute gigantic nucleus) .
(2) leukaemia of acute lymphocyte sex (cent 3 model) : L1, L2, L3.
(3) aplastic anemia hospitalization person;
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(6) acute heart failure and miocardial infarction, include all sorts of heart disease amalgamative heart function is not complete, the heart declines, with the patient of acute miocardial infarction.
(7) weightlessness spends mental disease, (schizophrenia, obstacle of affection sex spirit, implement qualitative sex mental disease) .
(8) make lupus erythematosus.
(9) it is mandatory rachitis.
(10) be moxa S is ill.
(11) it is person infection sends ill sex avian flu high.
(12) it is epidemic haemorrhage heat.
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