Road easy mountain villa is violated build a project to finish answer green

Road easy mountain villa is violated build a project to finish answer green

On November 1, unmanned aircraft ship is patted had finished answer the village violates the Lu Yishan of green job build a project. As we have learned, road easy mountain villa is violated build a project to be located in Luan to press down a street to do village of Feng valley mouth, demolish in all violate build villa 16 16, area 15124 square metre, at present already accumulative total answer is green 43.66 mus.

Wang Jian of reporter of Xi'an evening paper is photographed

Road easy mountain villa is violated build a project to finish answer green

On August 2, 2018, without the Lu Yishan before aircraft ship pats the person to was not demolished the village is violated build project complete picture.

Wang Jian of reporter of Xi'an evening paper is photographed

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