Breathe out city quadrangle rejects Ao Jie to the company requests consumer dimension to counterpois

Breathe out city quadrangle rejects Ao Jie to the company requests consumer dimension to counterpoise or will be entered carry out compulsively

On June 23, 2016, mixed on August 25, 2017 mixed on June 21, 2018 on July 10, our newspaper parts with " travel of Ao Di Q7 engine of 90 thousand kilometer discards as useless, inn of Ao Jie 4S rejects complete compensate " " privately leaves to replace a car, inn of Ao Jie 4S is suspected of tort of break a contact " " arbitral appoint: Inn of Ao Jie 4S is consumer termless change new car! " " court of the Huis district accepts inn of 4S of Ao Jie Ao Di to be suspected of tort case " for the problem, to consumer gold gentleman and Inner Mongolia the dispute between car sale limited company undertook Aojieaodi report. In the is suspected of encroaching consumer rights and interests continuously incident that is as long as two years many in this, inn of 4S of abstruse nimble Ao Di did not adopt active and effective means appropriate to solve a problem all the time. Be in for many times with Aojieaodi 4S inn bargaining does not have the circumstance of fruit to fall, golden gentleman and its family member arbitrate to Huhhot city committee applies for the arbitration. On December 18, 2017, arbitral appoint heard this one dispute arbitral case, and was mixed on March 20, 2018 on April 11, twice open a court session undertook cognizance to this case.

On May 30, 2018, arbitral appoint give a ruling lawfully: 4S inn is Aojieaodi consumer is termless change the Q7-3.0T of new fund Ao Di that is the same as model price level (value 909000 yuan) ... inn of Ao Jie Ao Di 4S ought to fulfill this one arbitral result inside 30 days. If be fulfilled tardily, the debt interest during 4S inn will pay doubly to be fulfilled tardily to consumer mixes Aojieaodi to perform gold tardily. On June 25, arbitral writ service comes inn of 4S of abstruse nimble Ao Di, but this inn does not grant to fulfill arbitral result tardy.

This year in July, because refuse to obey,arbitrate appoint adjudication, car of Inner Mongolia abstruse nimble sells limited company to offer application to court of Huhhot city intermediate people, requirement cancel Huhhot is arbitral committee made this one ruling. Huhhot city quadrangle on August 10 after put on record, comprised collegiate bench to undertake checkup to this lawfully, made civil ruling lawfully on September 25: Reject what car of Inner Mongolia abstruse nimble sells limited company to remove check application.

On October 24, quadrangle executive bureau also accepted this proposal lawfully, this is meant, inside the legal time limit after if abstruse triumph company is rejected to remove in quadrangle,reducing application go into effect, 4S inn still is not Aojieaodi consumer is termless change new car, quadrangle executive bureau will be carried out compulsively lawfully.

In addition, at the beginning of July 2018, in the light of Aojieaodi 4S inn replaces break a contact of car ill will and the pecuniary loss that bring accordingly, golden gentleman and its family member to to lodge a complaint of court of people of the Huis division. The lawsuit of consumer requests to be: Sentence your the accused to compensate for A8 of accuser Ao Di to replace car rental loss lawfully, computation of of short duration is 435400 yuan; At the same time separately according to afore-mentioned amount 20% pay penalty due to breach of contract to accuser, two aggregate 522480 yuan.

Via examining, court of people of the Huis division thinks this matter coincidence method accepts a condition surely, heard this one case lawfully on July 4. Recently, golden gentleman and its family member receive this court subpoena, this case will on November 20 open a court session is tried.

Go over a manuscript or draft director: Drama root grand

Be on duty chief editor: Zhou Sujuan

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