Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

This year since April, civilized town of the 6th whole nation of city of Kunming of advance town union founds the job, fulfil the specific requirement that demonstrative city of countrywide food safety establishs actively, set an example the street that allow increase as food safety a street will make, bring cravat in order to achieve to move reach radiation action, improve civilization of advance town market town and wholesome quality further, appropriate of polished Jincheng travel resides calling card.

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

The street that allow increase shares more than 60 food to produce management unit, it is inn of meal of Jincheng market town a of opposite concentration street. Look from street scan widely, street appearance neat, management order is favorable. Walk into inn of any a meal, bright and clean, ground neat, environment is clean and beautiful, new feed material to be put trimly in last inside ark.

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

Set an example in food safety a street is made in, advance town establishs division of labor of leader group, clear responsibility, establish technically to establish a standard, organize for many times found object place to belong to area management main body of of all kinds production and relevant unit to sit a meeting, announce establish standard and requirement, publicize the purpose sense that establish energetically, build good atmosphere. In the meantime, strengthen the market to superintend, guard a pass strictly provision is safe, nonsked develop raw material, from health of personnel of course of study business certificate of card, food, treatment operates disinfection of environment and flow, tableware to wait for special punish action, the standard manages action; Supervise and urge meal unit is carried out entirely " bright kitchen bright cooking stove " and quantify manage by different levels. Transform through hardware, optimize flow, strengthen groom, the measure such as normative system, rise further " food safety sets an example a street " the civilized consciousness that establishs a target, safe consciousness manages consciousness with sincere letter, achieve bring cravat to move reach radiation action, draw more people thereby " You Zaijin city, eat in Jincheng, live in Jincheng " , polish Jincheng travel appropriate resides a brand ceaselessly.

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

Food safety street sets an example lead Jincheng market town civilized construction

As we have learned, advance town founds the job of food safety demonstrative street to be being advanced in order, the abidance that passes period of time is begun, whole street and the environmental sanitation of management unit had very big change, civilization and safe consciousness also get great promotion. Next, advance town will be on existing foundation, right to the watch to mark the problem of existence is man-to-man undertake be optimizinged again, promote again. (graph article: Li Chunlei is like Lan Jiang)

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