Red demon achievement not beautiful, fear exploding again faction

According to British media " lens signs up for " report, he Ya of heart of leg of graceful the United Nations General Assembly feels to Muliniao's opinion on public affairs astonish.

Red demon achievement not beautiful, fear exploding again faction

Mu Shuai ever expressed publicly last week, oneself to team whether tarry heart He Ya does not have what confidence.

"To this I do not have how many confidence, I look for those who be less than a word to describe me to experience, nevertheless we see a thing how can develop first. We know to graceful couplet Deheya is how important. If a club wants,become better and not be more flooey. Apparent, leaving Deheya is very important. " Mu Shuai expresses.

Red demon achievement not beautiful, fear exploding again faction

Couplet is in Bensaijiman the performance in Yingchao is average, of Muliniao going staying is a ball all the time the topic of take delight in talking about. At present graceful couplet is in Ying Chao is ranked in integral a list of names posted up the 8th. 10 rounds of matches desertion 17 balls. But even if is such, deheya still is blast medium important.

Red demon achievement not beautiful, fear exploding again faction

What say like Muliniao is same, if a club wants,become better and not be more flooey. Leaving Deheya is very important. Will next Deheya's future be how? Everybody leaves your think of a way in comment area.

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