The storehouse of 3 a lunar month of 30 days with the commonly used brunt that uncover secret gimmic

The storehouse of 3 a lunar month of 30 days with commonly used brunt gimmick:

One, dozen pressure build a warehouse

Dozen pressure build a storehouse to often be aimed at appear on the market in the market time is shorter second new. Because this kind of stock appears on the market time is shorter, without the experience that rises substantially, so nonexistent height gains profit dish, should be in only drop be bungled in the market give a prison dish, what the opportunity finishs chip is collect. So, in trading actually, in long-term brunt investor for more sufficient collection cheap chip, can adopt mostly dozen press the method that establishs a warehouse.

Those who need an attention is, dozen press the method that build a warehouse to must cooperate to trade exponential trend is down, there is the investment atmosphere of exceeding panic in the market, fall in this kind of environment only, drop be more than an index to drop on average far, just can be considered as to hit pressure build a warehouse.

Because be,collect in downtrend cheap chip, and existing a lot of inaccuracy decide an element, press to hitting so main area circumstance wants the share that builds a warehouse enough good, enough to capital trading to want brunt investor abundant, accord with such condition only, ability ensures hit those who control share price of the tomorrow after building a warehouse rise space. And prevenient big hind in small configuration, not be all and serious go at the index infirmly of situation can be in in did not rise, show itself.

The storehouse of 3 a lunar month of 30 days with the commonly used brunt that uncover secret gimmick,

2, horizontal Pan Jiancang

Grail is in a concussion to arrange level, this gimmick sees more quite, looking daily dish in, investor can discover, upper part sells dish bigger, and lower part buys dish of zero chaos scattereding about like the stars, when point to go up quickly when causing stock price synchronism to rise, total meeting occurrence initiative casts sheet greatly, hit share price an origin, when grail dives quickly, drop not be very big however, recessive buy dish active, small Yin Xiaoyang combines K line to see more quite on day K, space of its wave motion is lesser, often horizontal dish of time is longer, it is the uses time to exchange a space argument that investor often hears.

Of this kind of stock start a dot finally to depend on completely index, still can have lag even at the index. But be in low a long-term horizontal stroke dish once the stock is started, its go up often very breathtaking, "The horizontal stroke has how long, vertical stroke has many tall " those who say is this kind of configuration.

The storehouse of 3 a lunar month of 30 days with the commonly used brunt that uncover secret gimmick, The storehouse of 3 a lunar month of 30 days with the commonly used brunt that uncover secret gimmick,

3, push Gao Jiancang

Push Gao Jiancang method to often appear in phase of initial stage of bovine city prices. Brunt investor draws the rate of chip to accelerate, shorten the time that build a warehouse uses this method. Accumulate level as a result of what grail is in bovine city prices, good main area case and multiple hype subject matter can make have bigger go up litre of extent. The brunt cost that uses this method is relative taller, this kind of brunt often has enough much capital accuses dish, in having long term run train of thought. The stock that helps Gao Jiancang so often is a paragraph of prices medium super big ox.

The storehouse of 3 a lunar month of 30 days with the commonly used brunt that uncover secret gimmick, The storehouse of 3 a lunar month of 30 days with the commonly used brunt that uncover secret gimmick,
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