Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you

Sharing economy is instantly compares fervent vocabulary, if somebody introduces you to join,share economic investment, and play character even, build send a thing platform, freely, then you can want to take care, possible meeting falls into cheater people inside a kind of when braid meticulously new-style fraud.

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

Topic figure: The theme matchs a plan

Share economy, it is to show with paying regular pay is main purpose, proffer tastes a kind of when use transfers temporarily new economy pattern. If say sharing economy is hasten of general trends place, that shares fraud is a highway to brief, will share economy complex particular the society of new idea gains ground simplify each fraud, for leek people " enjoy " .

Share economic fraud to cover road mode basically to be as follows

One, recommend investment Xx to share a product, acquire subscribe right; 2, the introduction invests a project, cast Xxxx yuan, daily return Xx yuan; 3, join small letter group or App platform, results returns profit, introduce the investment item of higher specified number, attract investment; 4, the investment with enough extort, kick you a small letter group or App platform breaks couplet to disappear.

The method is very simple, mix open freezer to put in elephant, like closing freezer door again concise palpability, look be like elementary, however very be successful, in light of nearby period, harvested a batch " faithful " leek people.

Subscribe bicycle, subscribe fraud

On September 25, the office worker small king of Shenzhen invested to invest to share bicycle on small letter channel, "Subscribe 880 yuan, return profit everyday 60 yuan, pull poll to reward 80 yuan again. Pull poll to reward 80 yuan again..

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

And this kind of fraud that is the same as a type, shenzhen city police station can receive the left and right sides one day 10 cases.

It is no matter " state-owend enterprise " relevant platform or friend circle friend introduce, want to involve debt to want discretion only; If see consumption returns circle of friend of benefit, hair to recommend,have the word of idiomatic conduct propaganda such as award, be about somewhat alert; Source of income of judgement high specified number is reasonable, before high interest temptation, maintain reason, once discover oneself is likely,be involved in collects money illegally behavior, want to be mirrorred in time to concerned branch, safeguard oneself to close right increase lawfully.

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

Is those who share the market firm need to lie earn?

On September 21 in the evening, ms. Zhu disclosed on small gain the name is " the calf massages chair " share wheelchair to invest fraud. (the article turns to prevent oneself cheat big data: FPData)

Spread all over countrywide each district like such fraud, buy to share massage chair group have 200 probably many, every group have 100 much people, buy 2 group have 100 many, every group also be 100 much people, buy 3 above group have 200 probably group, every group also have 100 much people, calculate the bilk that come down even if is as high as on 100 million roughly.

Although say for " share massage chair " , but on market share massage chair platform to be not will unused massage chair undertakes sharing accrual, however custom-built the market makes put in after purchasing, still be substantially " time-sharing is rented " , must be fixed place undertakes consumptive so. And of massage chair putting in excellent point is finite, if be like small letter really group the sort of investment measure will calculate, massage chair should resemble early sharing bicycle to spread all over an ave euqally.

In light of actual profit, sharing massage chair also is not to lie to earn and just needed, often put in in communal circumstance, use person is not much, what sit not to switch on the mobile phone only is very much, on massage chair " high friend capacity audience " is false discharge stops. With relatively famous grand peaceful health company data is exemple, "Rub rub Da " shared massage chair to was earned first half of the year 2018 1000 much, net interest rate is in 7.1% , earnings exists really, but also be to build the foundation that puts in in many 70 thousand massage chair to come up production profit, not be hundreds of investment absolutely can somewhat of accrual. Since accrual is impossible so tall, investment massage chair is daily get be dividinged high be achieved impossibly also, the investment that holiday of so low doorsill just required, lie into fraud namely purely.

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

Operation cannot hold water share a supermarket

Last year in September, sichuan is arisen the investment project that shares unmanned supermarket, investment 10 thousand, return profit everyday 200, investment returns benefit to move in the operation on APP, but return benefit to did not last how long, APP closed operation, the company also is the person goes the building is empty. This and before a few Chengdu catenary cities of the month the 100 million unmanned supermarket be exactly the same that buy a company, former did not run how to long run road, but latter however last a period of time in March, bilk 1 billion multivariate.

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

Passed catenary city 100 million buy " mad ablution " , the tide of investment of this unmanned supermarket of Sichuan is returned however not cease, sichuan actors or actress happy company drew out unmanned supermarket again this bowl of cold meal begins to break up fry, will pass this simply annul pull poll and collect money illegally these two bowls of spice are carried together, of in full swing running.

Share a supermarket so called sharing is be based on equipment of unmanned sell goods put in, commodity and business of goods need operation undertake maintenance, itself of consumable of and rather than, this kinds share a supermarket to be based on unmanned vending machine to do a to extend namely, later period need undertakes commodity complements to be not had uninterruptedly put in, will tell from profit respect be not devoted circulation gains. (the article turns to prevent oneself cheat big data: FPData)

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

The respect puts in in equipment, need gives property relevant cost, also need to bear the relevant cost in equipment operation process, be not conduct propaganda of certain company place in accrual respect in that way, can get get one's own back easily, a kind of shares a supermarket to just have unmanned vending machine stealing changing a concept means that you participate in, those who use is in installment settle accounts and share a risk, even some shares a supermarket to invest actually is an empty shell, do not have manage actually, because this shares supermarket concept itself,be bogus proposition, it is a fraud.

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

Share Pang fraud

Be arrested first year after year today " Xin circle is fastened " head Yang Zhiwei, former but share economy " Niu Ren " , the circle shares his Ceng Shixin store president, " in president of couplet movie and TV " , the country shares economic innovation to hand in president of easy demonstrative center, China to share economic management by-product of president of group limited company, China farming trades group Inc. president is waited a moment. In addition, yang Zhiwei returns the form of commonweal be maniaed by fashion into. Of course, the appellation of above is unconscious person, 800 companies all are empty shell, do not have industrial, why will share?

Xin circle shares a store to allege, the car that passes this platform butt joint buys a 100 thousand yuan car all right, the client shares platform to pay car price to the country 16.7% share service cost, namely: 16700 yuan, share out bonus everyday 0.0006=60 of 100000 yuan of × yuan, a month shares out bonus 60 yuan of × 30 days of =1800 yuan, 4 years half or so share out bonus is over section of 100 thousand yuan of cars. The capital of all share out bonus can use Yu Jiwei to believe platform Xin circle to share a store to undertake 2 times consumptive directly, also can carry now.

This one tall redound provides allure very much. Enter platform to let more people, advanced 3 months, they did not divert any fund, receive Qian Houji to return a member originally. And grow as the member, return show capital to greaten, the cavity of platform capital also begins to become bigger and bigger, 3 short the month rises to the cavity of 500 million, initial stage still can be taken everyday 60 yuan of share out bonus, to later period less and less, do not take money at all to finally.

This is at present Sichuan involves personnel the constituent lead with the biggest, the vastest area passes most, fund close a case. Up to case hair before, a year short between a long time, development member pervades the whole nation, membership number is as high as more than 220 thousand, experience record amount more than yuan 10.2 billion. (the article turns to prevent oneself cheat big data: FPData)

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

What Yang Zhiwei carries sharing economy is one says decline, whats were shared actually, but we think he is to be in really however what sharing, it is the thing name that he shares is Pang fraud only. Pang fraud in the final analysis is investing a kind of invisible thing namely, win get one's own back of high specified number next, you look not clear the thing that you invest is real about, you know this is packed only lofty the profit of anonymous an eccentric person that go up is extremely high, calculate you to look clear really, but because already thorough, you also made the accessory of cheater, although earned so lose.

Stare abyss when you while, abyss also is in staring you; Had fought with evil dragon long, oneself also becomes evil dragon. What what Yang Zhiwei shares is the lasting nightmare of a fraud of the family name that it is Pang.

Share economic current situation truely

Use up exceed 100 billion, be completely annihilated almost

Many a little makes a mickle, accumulate evil into demon, right now farewell looks share economy, time see what economy shares since the earliest zone share bicycle, also be the about of a pair of those have no kin and cannot support themselves.

According to research center of electronic business affairs the data that monitor shows, 2018, of head limits in sharing bicycle business, ofo3 month again be in harmony 866 million dollar (nearly 5.5 billion yuan) , rub do obeisance to sell the United States group plan 3.7 billion dollar (about 23.3 billion yuan) , the amount that sees to looking only has statistic, increase the deposit that take up, share investment of bicycle accumulative total to predict to exceed 60 billion yuan.

Make use of " share economy " bilk about a hundred 100 million! The purse that cheater shares you just is a purpose!

As rub do obeisance to beautiful group of sell oneself or a member of one's family, Alijia to pile up Ofo and investment to breath out collect, drop drop take-overs Xiaola, the head firm that shares bicycle domain announces all disarm becomes a piece in tycoon zoology basically. More sharing bicycle business, you had not seen the its color, name that has heard it even, they had disappeared from the scene.

At the beginning of sharing bicycle to initiate, rely on to everybody collection 200 yuan cash pledge, running the people with legal seem to collect money, and publish a regulation when the country, public proclamation shares bicycle to mortgage gold cannot be used at the company to run, after channel of normative go back, share bicycle to want to step down the fond dream that go to also end declare alone. And the new face of those reappear shares bicycle, it is undoubtedly some try in vain to divide up collect money illegally what share economy hungry wolf.

In addition, still have a lot of you may have not listened, perhaps had listened to do not have those who had seen to share economic child however, if share a car (financing 1.5 billion, capital suffers be restricted, business difficulty) share charge treasure (financing 2 billion, the beginning of the year begins numerous company disintegrate to clear a project) , share Morpheus cabin (extreme difference of safe hidden trouble, branch be concerneded makes stop) , share paper towel (involve pass annul already was closed down) , share almirah (financing of 8000 ten million much Yi Meng APP closes stop) etc. These share notional production when sending force, already ego was destroyed. Sharing economy so is not hasten of general trends place, the buying and selling of lose money in business that remains to carry out however.

This can'ts help letting us remember the jest that shares umbrella before New Year, cost a about a hundred share umbrella, go up to the market put in hundred thousands of, collection 229 cash pledge, the result is swept and empty, be hidden secretly by the people entirely, made private goods of the people. Think the person that shares umbrella glom on to to he earned, but actually, this just produces a kind of of the company kind that buy an umbrella, the price of umbrella did not exceed deposit at all, you think you earned, actually the company also earned, hundred thousands of umbrella does not go out a few days to be sold, still have better than this sale? This or the mainest robot selling, this will be a paragraph of classic sale case, be sure to be record in China to sell annals! However, afore-mentioned place say is jest, sharing umbrella is lose money in business undoubtedly.

It is meddlesome that itself shares economy, be worth to advocate. Regrettablly by deliberate misrepresentation mixes a lot of people to be read by accident, create the excuse that shares economy to make each fraud. (the article turns to prevent oneself cheat big data: FPData)

There was not profitable method on this world, the premise that shares economy is article actual existence and move reasonable, cheater just uses a few a few bicycle, massage chair to make pretense, mix apparently share economy not to take a side, shared bubble to stop together with you namely at most.

No matter how fraud evolves, no matter be added into what to acclaim a concept, cannot mask the real features of its cheater. Have apparently to those be contrary to the alleged investment that the life often manages, want sharpen one's eyes, raise vigilance, fasten the leek that became a person to reap, still became the accomplice of cheater!

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