Of Li Jiacheng forecast the arrival on the horse, the youth will unaware after the Spring Festival!

Of Li Jiacheng forecast the arrival on the horse, the youth will unaware after the Spring Festival! Ma Yun is agreed with

The times has ended Li Jiacheng, but his estate invests criterion, the person that affect deeply investor of countless house property, chi Zha sweet river, freely is abroad, once resided the whole world firmly for years continuously the Li Jiacheng of Chinese head rich throne, already was " successful " with " miracle " pronominal.

Of Li Jiacheng forecast the arrival on the horse, the youth will unaware after the Spring Festival! Ma Yun is agreed with

Of Li Jiacheng forecast the arrival on the horse, the youth will unaware after the Spring Festival! Ma Yun is agreed with

But different however now, undertake as adjusting control continuity, a lot of people also are to see the future that was less than this house price, the business that bought a room to earn with respect to affirmation before is in now also is to become have a risk very much with frying a stock, a lot of netizens express, oneself also are deficient very much money. Everybody had listened before early a word is called " house price tomorrow is like green price " , and a lot of old man also are to had said this word, everybody also is to had listened a lot of times. Li Jiacheng once persuaded a youth not to buy a house too early, the youth should learn more, take the advantage of more time young the dream that leaves oneself. He thinks the youth buys a room too early to be able to lose the mind that go all out in work gradually. In fact, he himself also is decrease in your writing hold real estate Wu. Nearly two months come, explode twice give Li Jiacheng to begin the property of undersell Hong Kong again, this the investment of Li Jiacheng main attack thinks new energy resources, li Jiacheng left two towns repeatedly inside domain of car of new energy resources in September, buy with 900 million yuan first " Japanese tesla " , hind with 1 billion pound (about 8.7 billion RMB) bought England one energy company.

Of Li Jiacheng forecast the arrival on the horse, the youth will unaware after the Spring Festival! Ma Yun is agreed with

Like believing friend of a lot of netizens and me special curiosity, why Li Jiacheng well doesn't estate development make the industry that should turn and goes doing water and electricity of England of new energy resources, investment to light the capital construction such as gas to wait for these and estate wide of the mark? The answer is very actually simple, be familiar with person England of Li Jiacheng to know, he once had said " I won't earn the last copperplate " , he is called " Li Chao's person " this profit from smell of his transcendental danger of investment eye zephyr and control capacity. In last few years Li Jiacheng chooses to cast the property of house home when the market is best time and again, turn and go investing the European market that capital vulture circles, "Be escaped " incessant all the time Yu Er, but him Li Jiacheng says, I am a businessman above all, what a shrewd businessman thinks of above all is the safety of capital, just be to make money next. So, this explains what meets Li Wei not hard also iron the heart should throw estate business, spoken parts in an opera is him before early (2013) saw well Chinese estate market of future already unlike goes so made money, perhaps say what not hard strike with the palm of the hand accuses place to estate market grows potential risk as high speed had been him, can choose to leave only so. Comparing this also is the account that why doesn't Li Jiacheng make Chinese youth too early choose to buy a house.

Of Li Jiacheng forecast the arrival on the horse, the youth will unaware after the Spring Festival! Ma Yun is agreed with

Li Jiacheng also admits price of Hong Kong estate is at present exorbitant. " our floor price and average citizen income were out of line. We need more public house and room room to solve problem of housing of general collect popular especially. For justice, hong Kong government already very endeavor to strive for more land, but I hope of course can some morer, some faster. "Li Jiacheng says. Li Jiacheng: I am told all the time, if you have ready money, and it is to buy (house) come to what oneself live, did not concern. But if be to fry (room) , do not want to fry, now (Hong Kong) this price is the whole world is the most expensive almost, want to act accordingly. Li Jiacheng: If had invested, it how continue to make it with respect to the consideration is more good to how continue to make it with respect to the consideration;(if) undertake new investment, I think most is the element that fails likely. Which degree can you go when failing? In my lifetime, from 1950 him deal arrives now, only this method is best. The possibility that considers failure first has how old, oneself can afford. Is the loss (meeting) very big? If not be, this business is very good, the strategy is very good, (Can) spell main, concentration to do.

Of Li Jiacheng forecast the arrival on the horse, the youth will unaware after the Spring Festival! Ma Yun is agreed with

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