Doctor Li: The reason of 3 easy negligence, bring about your cervical vertebra cure of hemp of infle

Doctor Li: The reason of 3 easy negligence, bring about your cervical vertebra cure of hemp of inflexible, face is invalid!

Endure hardships of person of ache of humeral neck small of the back, look for wrong person to spend Qian Bai to expend! Hello, I am countryman of expert of humeral neck small of the back. Write an article everyday, share my effective treatment experience and case, the hope gives you some inspire and help, this is the 223rd achieves an article formerly.

1, is cervical vertebra ill what is your symptom?

Your cervical vertebra disease has cervical vertebra inflexible, and symptom of apathetic of ministry there is a face?

3 days ago, my VIP group a friend in, run to me from Guangxi Nanning here will treat

Her symptom basically is cervical vertebra is inflexible, when I go feeling her cervical vertebra, the muscle of both sides is exceedingly nervous

At the same time she still has facial hemp, have a headache wait for a symptom, she made a lot of treatment, her symptom has 1 year almost

A lot of treatment were made in place, but the effect is not very good, when she finds me, I saw her movie

Actually the film of cervical vertebra is in those who spend is serious, I make the examination time of cervical vertebra to her, where is the issue that basically decided her

When the first day makes treatment, the symptom of her cervical vertebra and facial hemp alleviated a lot of

I made treatment 3 times to her in all, the method used only, she symptom of a year alleviated a lot of

Actually cervical vertebra is mixed stiff facial hemp, below a lot of circumstances, want you to seek pair of treatment only, search was opposite method, can alleviate very well

Doctor Li: The reason of 3 easy negligence, bring about your cervical vertebra cure of hemp of inflexible, face is invalid!

2, why doesn't hemp of inflexible, face have your cervical vertebra cure?

One, your mistake seeing a doctor

If you had asked me the question, you should know, I can ask you go where treating cervical vertebra disease, you basically reply is surgical, orthopaedics or rachis are surgical

The cervical vertebra that wants you only actually is oppressive spinal cord is not fierce, basically these section office open medicine to eat to you only, go back to take exercise well, but you can discover such doing to do not have effect,

So you have to give verdict, the doctor is treated bad, you see a doctor wrong, you cure how possibly

2, nobody is directive you

Your cervical vertebra is ill you know to make treatment of a few rehabilitation, but you do not know what is to be aimed at you, so you are to choosing you to think to be treated correctly

Actually you do not know at all which effective, listen to others to say, personage of neither one major coachs you should make what treatment

I gave you the proposal occasionally, you also won't be done, such you can be treated only bad your cervical vertebra

3, your remedial method chooses a mistake

I believe you treat cervical vertebra disease, had eaten medicine to also had stuck plaster, but you can discover wool of it doesn't matter is used

The day before yesterday that friend in that way, she bought the plaster of thousands of money to stick, do not have a bit effect, your law also was not to waste to cure

3, cervical vertebra is inflexible the true measure of facial hemp

One, find place of cervical vertebra problem

Doctor Li I often this the most crucial, write in foremost face, but you always are oversight, such saying, you should find a problem where to be only

Your remedial direction won't wrong, affirmative meeting is effective, what resemble this patient that I keep begin is same, why so short time is treated effective

Because diagnose,was clear about, her problem is in namely muscle, all my cure are treat around sarcous.

2, the remedial method with right choice

I had said this patient to use a method, this method I also had been mentioned inside a lot of cure.

She did knife of a lot of acupuncture, small injection before, but do not have the effect, because did not find the place,the reason is

What I use is float acupuncture cure, the pine solved her 3 positions, inclined square flesh, bosom locks up breast dash forward flesh, scalene, it is so simple

3, long-term rehabilitation takes exercise

I can give you the proposal of rehabilitation, cervical vertebra disease exercises a method best, I consider as Doctor Li all the time take exercise be more than cure

You do not take exercise, do not go correcting wrong pose, you cured also do not have, the article that goes in front searchs rely on a wall to stand train.

You still are in the cervical vertebra that is you is ill, search to be less than good doctor and be troubled?

Can be the cervical vertebra disease that you worry about you treated bad?

Did your cervical vertebra disease find good remedial method?

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