Li Jiacheng: Chinese finance storm came, you are to leave money to still buy a house, how does cloud

In financial venture, investment bubble is the more big, most go first bubble. Building city bubble begins moment in financial venture, basic it is most begin to adjust first. Building city is the oldest financial investment product. If produced financial crisis, but that wants a bank to close down, devaluation, economic depression, asset shrink, common people unemployment. Arrive even inside bazaar go shopping, also can appear the phenomenon of serious be in short supply. And financial crisis wants, the likelihood needs a lot of years.

Li Jiacheng: Chinese finance storm came, you are to leave money to still buy a house, how does cloud seeing a horse say

Is money still a room?

Li Jiacheng: Chinese finance storm came, you are to leave money to still buy a house, how does cloud seeing a horse say

Chongqing autumn room is handed in meet the 2nd day of citizen buy room temperature tall

We see financial big Ga together people how to reply:

Person of media of @ famous finance and economics - emperor knowing money:

1. house price is low it is temporary only: Eve of financial crisis advent, the costly fond dream of estate business be about to undone. They draw large quantities of fund with the house price with high empty, discover to last people all these is illusion, cannot pay exalted room price. It is a big burst then dish, estate business also cannot pay off the loan of a huge sum of the bank again, then house price begins to move toward trough.

2. money is not costly: The scar that financial crisis brings is inestimable certainly, next the government begins to think all method to turn a situation, among them a plan pressworks wildly namely money, right now money can devalue.

3. specific issue is specific analysis: The intensity of crisis of every time banking is met different, must the essence of crisis of banking of recognize every time, master specific issue concrete analysis.

Money still has been jumped over more more, this word truly, when financial crisis comes, the talented person that has ready money can be in abrupt and the inflation that come is medium subsist.

Additional, entire section room anabiosises in economy hind, affirmation is very popular still. Also did not forget the way that ancestor leaves finally: Buy gold.

Li Jiacheng: Chinese finance storm came, you are to leave money to still buy a house, how does cloud seeing a horse say

Columnist of @ finance and economics - Chen Sai enters:

This problem is impossible to sum up in a word. To poor, medium produce, wealthy person; To youth, middleaged person, old people, the answer is different apparently.

Try to use the most concise language to reply:

1, to the poor:

A. Youth, nonexistent this problem;

B. Medium, old people, deflection takes money.

2, to in produce:

A. Youth, nonexistent also this problem. In financial crisis when, the youth is produced in the most crucial is him investment, promote oneself ceaselessly;

B. Middleaged person, deflection takes money. In the meantime, want leave no stone unturned to keep the job, the person that do poineering work should hold on, often the night before last that darkness is dawn;

C. Old people, without doubt, take money.

3, to wealthy person:

A. Youth, middleaged person, take money of course, after the price that need a room fell, the house can be bought at any time;

B. Old people, wealthy person old person, was indifferent to, how to go...

Anyhow, to the poor, this problem need not think (apply mechanically catchword: You think much) ;

To in produce, deflection takes money, more crucial want leave no stone unturned to keep the job, the person that do poineering work should hold on;

To wealthy person, actually how OK.

In reality, the crisis is in which phase, be very difficult judgement. Often do not have in crisis initial stage be aware of, when when be aware of, already the crisis is very grave, but do not know whether after all. I suggest or want to consider well, basically see oneself have better investment way. If see better opportunity explicitly, need not consider this level whether the bottom of house price.

Have the people of one flatlet only to great majority, do not suggest to sell a house. After all, the person that preserving is produced has constancy of purpose. If lived randomly, career and domestic person can be pounded probably. So, the crisis came, also want to treat the specific condition of specific person.

Nevertheless, also have exception, the opportunity that if was certain,does poineering work, selling a room to do poineering work also is not myriad not OK. But still want very special and discreet.

What is estate market of China is generalized with a word -- go up. The youth cans not afford a room not just, and still hire do not have a house! As the youth very anxious, previously wanting not to buy a house, anyhow still can hire a room to live, oneself pitiable salary, pay rent quite! Do not clutch nowadays buy a house, also hire a room do not rise. . . . . . . Buy after all so do not buy a house? Buy a house, want to borrow money or loan to buy a house, pressure is very great; Be not bought, future more can not afford!

Li Jiacheng: Chinese finance storm came, you are to leave money to still buy a house, how does cloud seeing a horse say

Ma Yun calculates room value again, 2019 it is to buy a room to still stay in the hand very much money is good. Netizen: The Ma Yun that listens to you says: If your lifestyle produced a change, business chance had come. Burgeoning lifestyle is representing new market requirement, and a few markets still always are done not have in people when realizing abrupt and flourishing, make provided a mind which perceives both past and future person early to earn a basin full earthen bowl is full. Combing these business chance is not a tickler, the strange thing in wanting to see our job live only went.

The country is undertaking reform actively to estate market, will main nowadays energy threw the market that rent a house, it is OK also to encourage and guide a youth to hired a room to live to marry even in working initial stage the option is short-term rent a house, the country provided hundreds yuan of subsidy renting a house that gets on 1000 yuan even to college graduate, strive defers a youth with favourable allowance policy the time of irruptive building city.

In the meantime, housing of mutual property right is facing a society outstanding talent and college graduate are started, solve living problem country to following us, can not afford commodity house to be able to buy room of mutual property right to want you to accord with a condition only. City of each big main trend plans future to roll out rooms of tens of 10 thousand mutual property right inside 5 years, room difficult issue is bought in what this aux will be able to solves nearly 1 million people inside single city limits, graduate of these college of of the right age and social professional solved living problem, will build more energy investment cities and realize self-worth to go up this to the country also be beautiful thing one picket, the wealth that creates socially is more finance income of the country rises naturally also, the promotion strength nature of room of mutual property right is bigger, this is a kind of benign loop.

Ma Yun: To just needing a group of things with common features, 2019 is not buy a house suitably year, the house is bought when going to need awaits a policy and house price to have the opportunity of favorable trend patiently again. The youth is paying close attention to house price to also be not all the day long plan, still need when a good opportunity.

Ma Yun: Because,factitious what does not believe is ideal ageing, thought sleep deeply, factitious what is content with the current situation, because do not have a dream,be, without the desire, why are some associate confused without direction?

Li Jiacheng: Chinese finance storm came, you are to leave money to still buy a house, how does cloud seeing a horse say

Because cannot enterprising, if you also want to make money, want to learn, do not want to let oneself promote, do not want to let oneself increase knowledge< so poor, the person that why has money is more and more wealthy? The car bought another, poor factitious what is poorer and poorer?

Live short of money life, so tired that want dead, those who earn is so the hard cash with lamentable little, live frugaly. What is the poor short of: The surface lacks capital, be short of ambition constitutionally, brain lacks a sense, the opportunity lacks understanding. Frame lacks courage, the change lacks the operation, the career lacks willpower!

To all person that do poineering work, tell oneself a word forever: Since the first day when do poineering work, what you should face everyday is difficulty and failure, is not successful. Had not arrived when I am the most difficult, but that day of regular meeting arrives. Difficulty cannot be avoided, also cannot let others be carried for you, any difficulty must yourself goes facing.

Li Jiacheng: Chinese finance storm came, you are to leave money to still buy a house, how does cloud seeing a horse say

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