Street of bivouac of danger of dreariness of Lizhao radical evening scene its partner criterion scen

One side heaven, one side hell, have misfortune a bit, the star of movie and TV with infinite scene also can become penniless. This year on Feburary 8, the Hong Kong that disappeared from the scene a few years stars Li Zhaoji appears before everybody. He of 63 years old of advanced age, had done not have the high-spirited and vigorous former days. Coat of a suit red, be full of the trace of years vicissitudes of life all over the face, crutch of hand lean on a stick slowly before row. When accepting media to interview, its oneself say frankly, from the year before last year due to illness after be in hospital, quited all jobs, now is to be hard up more, nearly wants bivouac street, his only idea can apply for Hong Kong public house namely now. As disparate as Li Zhaoji, but wind unboiled water rises,Li Danni of its partner king is in what recreational group mixes. In 11 days of evening that are the same as a month, be a guest of Wang Lidan Ni website of some video living broadcast. Weak point in direct seeding of 90 minutes, with respect to know exactly about sth 100 netizens try to be the first chats with its, even still a small netizen is hit admire 100 thousand ocean, affectionate confess this great beauty. If Li Zhaoji knows this matter, also perhaps meet person of lane of deep feeling good luck.

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