Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Still write down so that the autumn brushed screen because of beautiful ginkgo leaf last year

Drip fabaceous temple?

The picture with free golden temple lets his become Jinan

Film the net red ground of ginkgo.

Had wanted why to cry " drip fabaceous temple " ?

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Drip the name that the name of fabaceous temple comes from spring. The near future is frequent rainfall, let all Jinan city springs spew rises, jinan town stay away from home is sent appoint began this year " the stay away from home that finds a coin " , search the spring water in those beautiful scenery for everybody.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Drip the position of fabaceous spring is near hill of dragon of coil of town of channel of harbor of all previous the city zone, in fokelore " drip beans " place, drip namely fabaceous temple on the cliff east.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

After duration rainfall, a few Qing Quan go out from cliff spew, non-stop flight to and below, what that imposing manner makes person exclaim nature demiurgic is strange. The spring that flies falls on the hill stone below, splash remove a spray, go to indelicacy next.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Fall to the wall to unload the water of fontal pool, cool Gan Chun, be like oar of fluid of heavenly palace jade fining jade. The villager around often hits water, mouthfeel cools, have sweet taste. The villager says this spring is contained a variety of mineral, classics tipple has fitness to delay year effect.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Listen to old villager introduction, drip fabaceous spring flies in the agitate when water flourishing fall, and if the beans drips,babble when drought. Spring assemble flows into a below small-sized reservoir.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Why to cry " drip fabaceous spring " ? Have the following fokelore. According to legend in those days Dong Zheng of Li Shimin of king of the Qin Dynasty passes here. Because car horse fatigueds, li Shimin pitchs a camp in side of coil dragon Shanxi, rebuild legionary.

Scratch big at that time drought, around village grain is not had close. As a result of army provisions in short supply, li Shimin's army has been broken grain several days, soldiers are forced with potherb allay one's hunger. A day, when Li Shimin inspects army, discover some soldiers are so hungry already that some soldiers be about to die. Li Shimin is very sad, he comes to the front of be in hill wall, draw deep sigh: " should the day die I? " he under one anger, hand hold on the hill wall that the sword exerts oneself to do sth. thorn is on.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

The immediately on hill wall by his sword lunge a large deficit. At this moment, magical thing happening: A few brooklet flowed from the cavity eye of hill wall. More those who make a person amazed is, in clang there still is bean to drip in the spring that with a clang pours out of piece. Not a little while, spring and bean dripped one ground, send out piece blast a faint scent.

See these, li Shimin and along with surprise of travel taxi arms extremely, in succession to make a bow with hands folded in front of divine spring bow one's head. Li Shimin's army ate bean, drank spring water, morale is immediately big brace up. Li Shimin names this spring to drip fabaceous spring.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

This matter is in Qing Qianlong year between " · of general records of a county of all previous city coils 18 " with path light-year between " · of annals of Jinan government office coils 6 " in all have account. Later, the villager all round is informed this matter, also come round to receive spring and bean in succession. Because had,drip just about fabaceous spring, the common people around just is able to spend hungry.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Another fokelore is below: After Li Shimin's main forces goes before long, around village has a rich man to be opposite drip fabaceous spring covet 3 feet. Rich man drips to molopolize fabaceous spring, fall from the foot of a hill dug trench of a brook, want to bring spring water in the courtyard of oneself. He still certains the mouth of spring big, to in an attempt to gets more bean and spring water. But what did not think of is, the mouth of spring is certained big hind, drip the bean that go out is less and less, drip without bean gradually went out.

And although spring is done not have flow, smaller and smaller also however. Avaricious rich man is enraged ill, did not have a few days to die. Although drip,fabaceous spring drips no longer bean, but the villager people to it terribly is thankful. Collect money in drip built to fabaceous spring drip fabaceous temple, name this hill to drip fabaceous temple hill.

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Jinan net is red " drip fabaceous temple " the name results from the spring that is in beauty!

Cut account according to the tablet inside the temple, of this temple get a name, because,be " station troops when Li Tang hereat, pay provisions does not give, ignore Yu Shi is unoccupied place if a beans emerges spring, later generations is colourful call its the thing, beans of friend name pond (drip beans) " . And in historical data also account, before the temple original one tower, there is a preface to say on " yuan 9 years " , from this knowable, when pond beans temple promotes Yu Tang at least.

Course of drive a vehicle: After from coil Long Shan plays high speed, right-about-face depression village of 2000 meters of supreme homes

Public transportation course: "Yan Shan crossroads north " the station takes 312/325 road car to arrive " tall home is depression " the station gets off, walk to drip fabaceous temple.

Photography: Big the little band of bright lakefront advocate, assist carries on his shoulder or back

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