Zhang Zhenyue is bitten by the dog downhill by bike Ceng Pin is numerous by the doggery angle of roa

Zhang Zhenyue is bitten by the dog downhill by bike Ceng Pin is numerous by the doggery angle of roadside

According to Taiwan media coverage, singer Zhang Zhenyue just greeted a son to be born with wife in September, he of father of firm promote novice, cycling unfortunately however recently on the road, be bitten by the dog, let him be forced to beg examine to the hospital immediately, he is more helpless breathe out continuously: "Already serious Morpheus was not worth, still be bitten by the dog! Still be bitten by the dog!!

Zhang Zhenyue gives a piece of picture that is in a hospital 29 days in social net abrupt PO, he states he is met everyday be chased after by the 10 thousand dogs on Shou Lushan, he divulges those who raise to those a few dogs are somebody, then, want to say " you do not make me I do not make you " , he does not grant to pay attention to, ride engine classics past the appointed time every time, can pass quickly.

And when Zhang Zhenyue is passed 29 days by bike, among them a dog, making calling to bite him suddenly however, he examines his cut, bite mark quite clear, more bled, let him be forced to reach a hospital immediately, evaluate whether should inject tetanic, he says more helplessly: "Already serious Morpheus was not worth still be bitten by the dog! " he more dispatch ask for help: "What method is chased after by the dog? " say more malcontently: "Everyday morning and evening should be chased after very irritated. "Everyday morning and evening should be chased after very irritated..

Zhang Zhenyue is bitten by the dog downhill by bike Ceng Pin is numerous by the doggery angle of roadside

Net of socialization of Zhangzhen high mountain is textual:

Actually, everyday the dog that I follow A Mi Sidou to be able to be gotten on by 10 thousand Shoulu hill is chased after,

Somebody of those a few dogs is raised, want to say you do not make me I do not make you,

I am passive ride engine to be passed quickly,

Everyday morning and evening each, I what the dog chases after very bright.

Just I ride slowly downhill,

Making calling to bite me only among them, be dry!

The A Ma that passes on the side says Zuo can bite a person,

Examine cut to bite mark clarity bled,

I say you say to the dog you were decided to death later,

Reach a hospital immediately then,

See otherwise want to break and so on of catch a cold,

Already serious Morpheus was not worth still be bitten by the dog,

What method is chased after by the dog?

Everyday morning and evening should be chased after very irritated,

Ought not to passive.

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