Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Promise pool, formal name is called " Telaiwei fountain " (Fontana Di Trevi) , because fokelore promises to be able to get here effective, abandon a coin to be inside the pool, but return Rome, and get a name " promise pool " .

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Telaiwei fountain, maternal spring of Rome, it is Rome's biggest fountain not only, also be the world's greatest baaroque fountain, the building sculpture work that is style of last Ba Luo gram of Roman more. It once was ancient Rome period 3 flume among them terminus, the Christian era erupts 538 years war, aqueduct is discarded. Till 1453, just by pope Nigula 5 worlds gave orders to build a pool afresh. 1730, pope overcomes Laimente 12 worlds disrelish it too pallet, do not deserve to go up Rome this " lasting city " bearing, appoint Roman architect Nigula Saerwei (Nicola Salvi) redesign rebuild, all previous classics more than 30 years, 1762 finishing.

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

All round fountain from beginning to end around move send coin and the visitor that take a picture. My altogether has been to Rome 3 times, arrive every time promise make before the pool wish, see this huge crowd of people promise pool, say it is Rome's most welcome tourist attraction has not been been absolutely.

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Central statue is Nereus Nipudu, two side are equestrian half person half fish Nereus, symbolizing respectively the sea in the rainstorm and calm sea. The sculpture after Nereus is mixed on behalf of health abundant. The base of whole sculpture with respect to a messy reef in seem sea, spring flushs ceaselessly from the in a steady stream in the aperture below Nereus foot, setting building is palace of a Nereus, 4 girls of upper part represent the four seasons.

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

There is 3 directions extension to extend before fountain, because this gets a name " Telaiwei " , it is namely " a fork in the road " meaning. Fountain is built in an old building, cross alley of a street from Corso ave, destination appears in awesomely at the moment. One of fun of free travel, it is such.

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

There is a very famous fokelore in Rome, "Should carry on the back only to promising pool, put coin in the right hand, throw into cistern from left shoulder in the future next, the first coin can let you visit Rome once more. The 2nd meeting encounters true love, if wish to divorce,the 3rd is. So tourist throws a coin mostly, hope can regain Rome; And the Italian throws 3 coin more, hope to if wish,can divorce, encounter true love again.

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Must not throw 3 coin so! Nevertheless the rose thinks those who say is, this very Italy!

The pose about tossing coin is to opinions vary more, a kind of more popular view is: The back is right promise pool, the right hand holds coin to be cast into fountain from left shoulder head.

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Most beginning coin is uncared-for, what hobo, children can go reap some profit, but rise from 2006, the government cannot be taken in disorder with respect to the regulation, the money inside should contribute charity to organize Caritas entirely.

Promise the pool resembles a cornucopia same, gathered together the coin of world each district, promise according to statistic the coin that Chi Zhongceng has appeared to exceed 60 countries! Annual Roman government from promise the coin of Chi Li fish out exceeds 1.5 million euro (add up to 11 million RMB about) !

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

This a large sum of money, who not be envious?

Roman mayor ever offerred to want to put in coin income 's charge 2015 the government is all, use filling finance shortage, also can use maintain place of historic interest, but object because of each, and him mayor still is exploded to give abusive public money. Roman government must announce: Rose on April 1, 2018, will reclaim include Telaiwei fountain inside all this city fountain and promise the coin in the pool, use at municipal utility.

We also do not need to worry about economic crisis of Italy again, it is good that they rely on people of world each country to relieve!

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!

Promise does the pool toss coin can return Rome? Must not toss 3 coin!


1, promise the pool is located in Roman downtown, walk about 10 minutes to be able to arrive from Spanish square

2, promise the pool does not have any entrance ticket.

3, be sure to attend to good vade mecum is tasted, around thief is very much!


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