The student is late meet with classmaster is cruel dozen, 4 broom interrupt ceaseless hand

On November 8, the student Xiaohua that 7 grade learn to be read in person of outstanding ability learns in reed of Bo state city (alias) , be late 2 minutes because of be being read early only, be beaten up with broom by classmaster thunder teacher, interrupted 4 broom continuously. Bureau of education of Bo state city is right that day this matter make a response, experience thing teacher already by suspend sb from his duties, public security scheme also has gotten involved.

The student is late meet with classmaster is cruel dozen, 4 broom interrupt ceaseless hand

As we have learned, what Xiaohua head has two to be in about 3 centimeters is traumatic, back is in silt blueness more, there still is few points scar on the leg. Xiaohua says, read early 6:30 8 days in the morning, because he was late two minutes by rebuke of classmaster thunder teacher, the teacher lets his stand in class doorway. Probably after dichotomy bell passes, thunder teacher takes out broom to undertake beating up to its head, back from class, "The teacher took 4 broom early or late, was interrupted. " Xiaohua crouchs on the ground to cry to the teacher painful, still beat up.

After been beat up suddenly, thunder teacher returns class, let Xiaohua continue to stand in class doorway, half hour hind lets Xiaohua go to the office standing again. Passed a little while, xiaohua is borne hard sorely, but other teacher did not make response inside the office, xiaohua is obliged oneself run to school infirmary to look for a doctor. Doctor course is looked carefully at, discover the condition of an injury is overweight, the mother that gives Xiaohua calls let its look after children to make further treatment to the hospital.

That day, bureau of education of Bo state city make a response to this matter. According to the response, on November 8, bo city learned middle school of person of outstanding ability to produce event of student of pedagogic physical punishment one case via opening area school. To this, bo state city teachs bureau height to take seriously, arrange instantly undertake investigating. The student that be hit sends a hospital in time already to accept treatment, injury affection is at present stable. Experience thing teacher already by suspend sb from his duties, await processing.

Door of the Ministry of Public Security already intervened investigation. Door of Ministry of Education will cooperate door of the Ministry of Public Security to do a good work in time deal with the job, after waiting for incident investigation to be clear about,

Origin: People net, medium bring newspaper of business of newspaper of net of online, Anhui, China business, Chengdu
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