Guo Zongjie of small brave robot: Future two years artificial intelligence robot will erupt

Guo Zongjie of small brave robot: Future two years artificial intelligence robot will erupt

This year in May, the go of Ke Jie and AlphaGo2.0 is right battle, again AI artificial intelligence introduces to hot search. Especially in recent years the bitter fleabane break out of artificial intelligence is exhibited, as AI the service robot of fundamental application carrier begins artificial intelligence gradually commercialize, industrialization, work in what enter us stealthily and live.

Guo Zongjie of small brave robot: Future two years artificial intelligence robot will erupt

How is artificial intelligence future met? Where are China and Silicon Valley in difference of technology of AI artificial intelligence respect? How does service robot future develop direction and applied setting to meet? Make a robot true enter domesticity and job what to bottleneck still have? What do artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence have to differ? In Shenzhen Yongyi amounted to academy of artificial intelligence robot to uncover card ceremonially on June 15, courtyard of project of university of the California austral doctor of Masschusetts Institute of Technology of chief scientist of small brave robot, United States, United States is lifelong the original point of view that professor Professor Guo Zongjie and everybody shared him.

That day afternoon, the ceremony that uncover a shop sign is held in center of research and development of the sea before Shenzhen of small brave robot, big question of Chinese shift, division flies, orgnaization of investment of the many strategy partner such as academy of advanced technique of Shenzhen of group of LG of Intel Intel, Korea, Chinese Academy of Sciences, good egg and several home heavyweight and media of science and technology were witnessed jointly together to home service robot industry has.

Guo Zongjie is academy of sciences of courtyard of maths of courtyard of project of university of the California austral doctor of American MIT Masschusetts Institute of Technology, United States and computer lifelong professor, before MTK chief scientist, it is the pilot of science and technology with famous international person, there is an a feather in one's cap in the respect such as network of nerve of natural language of vision of artificial intelligence, deepness study, machine, NLP, CNN. Ever obtained American country to meet young learned man scientificly to study award (1992) , American president teachs scholastic award (1993) , engineering college of university of the California austral the United States is young the professor studies award (1994) , Long Jie of plum of university of the California austral the United States.

Two years of future, service robot industry will maintain rapid growth, special value!

On the news briefing, professor Guo Zongjie shared him to guide south the research achievement that a few doctors, postdoctoral group comes California university in artificial intelligence respect for years and viewpoint, reviewed technology of artificial intelligence robot to develop course, looked into AI artificial intelligence drives in nobody, medical treatment of provide for the aged is accompanied protect, the wide application foreground that teachs the domain such as robot of household of recreation, intelligence, special type, he thinks, will be robot industry 5 years of future 5 years when develop flourishingly. Be in the United States at present AI artificial intelligence domain, ML machine study, strengthen understanding of natural language of study, NLP, pattern recognition and semantic understanding, person facial identifying, affection identifying, movement identifying, object identifying, interactive the technology that waits for a respect and application are already special and mature. Calculate computation of Fakaiyuan, big data, cloud to wait for technical work up as core, robot more intelligence is changed, the service function that wisdom changes will corresponding and different application setting is developed stage by stage. Professor Guo will guide Yongyi to amount to Yongyi of university of the California austral academy of robot of Shenzhen artificial intelligence and United States amount to laboratory of artificial intelligence robot (YYD AI Robot Lab) together, robot of sufficient play small brave is advanced the advantage of respect of be born of edge technology research and development, project, industrialization, technical entire industry catenary, integrated resource strengthens cooperation, in domain of robot of artificial intelligence of prospective whole world occupational position.

Guo Zongjie of small brave robot: Future two years artificial intelligence robot will erupt

The near future, yong Yida still will establish laboratory of artificial intelligence robot in university of the California austral the United States (YYD AI Robot Lab) , strengthen the research and development of technology of AI robot forward position, had done the strategic Roadmap inside 5 years.

Guo Zongjie of small brave robot: Future two years artificial intelligence robot will erupt

Did not come 5 years, academy of Shenzhen Yong Yida and American lab will be synchronous and interactive, real time masters technology of international AI forward position and development trend, industrialization comes true in parting these technical in a planned way measure ground to use product of small brave robot. Yong Yida is Sino-US two ground of academy of artificial intelligence robot hold water, be sure to lead China to serve robot industry to march toward wider world.

Guo Zongjie of small brave robot: Future two years artificial intelligence robot will erupt

| wisdom makes Yong Yida robot good life

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