Rural cancer patient is increasing, have 6 big prime culprit rear

Now rural standard of living compared with tall before many, but the odds of cancer sicken is increasing however. Old person of very much nowadays country is to die at cancer, and sicken crowd has slowly young the tide that turn, why to meet such?

① country environment is sufferred destroy

Have the black heart company of some of place, put heavy pollution industry in a rural area, the air that brings about place, fountainhead is polluted, live for a long time in such environment, the odds of sicken can soar. And standard of wholesome medical treatment is original finite, originally after a few ailment are ceaseless and protracted, also can accumulate a serious illness slowly.

Rural cancer patient is increasing, have 6 big prime culprit rear

② does not undertake fixed check-up

The cost that makes comprehensive check-up is higher, thousands of yuan are as high as in normal 3 armour hospital, rural old National People's Congress is much very economical, far from be willing to part with or use spends money on check-up. Although say to also can choose cheaper check-up plan, also have hundreds of for instance, but these check-up are not comprehensive, probable oversight drops potential canceration.

The food of ③ extreme is used to

Have two kinds of extremes about food: One kind is the improvement as a result of rural living conditions, eat a lot of weller than before, but carelessly problem of tall adipose, high protein, tall caloric, "3 tall " food causes cancer easily;

Another kind is beyond the mark and economical, eat leftover ort for a long time, eat the green vegetables of of the previous night especially, the harm is particularly great. Dietary element and other factor are together integratedly, can increase cancer to come on odds.

④ smoking drinks

The man of country of habitual great majority that lampblack drinks has, the damage of this pair of lung and gastric ministry is great. Of course, a lot of people are even if knows lampblack drinks harmful to human body, but the hobby that still should hold to oneself, after all rural recreational activities is little also, lampblack drinks is one of fun with not much amount to.

⑤ genetic element

Rural cancer patient is increasing, have 6 big prime culprit rear

⑥ long-term overworked

Farm work is very painstaking, and cultivate land does not make money now, friend of a lot of farmers wants method much channel makes money, this more drama of the body use up. Cannot get for a long time rest, exhaustion is accumulated come down, the odds of body sicken also can lift.

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