Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned

Whether you often see small letter friend encircles support of all sorts of li of transmit, market to you can receive award " meddlesome " ? Face inviting gift, oneself whether also ever transmit market support? Recently, CCTV 2 " for a short while " column exposure " hot " the fraud that the friend encircles, 200 much netizens of countrywide are duped.

But what expect making a person is less than is, this bilk gimmick is clumsy, experience record amount is as high as 8000 much fraud, call the police without the victim however...

The cheater group in high-grade office building

"Want a small letter only transmit of 2 dimension code gives a few friends, hair hair friend the group, can get freely China the annulus that it is a hand, need postage only 29 yuan! Activity only 3 days, quota of people is finite! Speed will grab! Speed will grab!!

Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned however call the police...

Want to pay 29 yuan postage only, of on value 1000 China the annulus that it is a hand can be gotten freely, really such skies drop the good work of pasty?

29 yuan cannot be bought be in an unfavorable situation cannot buy be duped! Drive in such heart below, this information is encircled very quickly in small letter friend by mad transmit. If not be China call the police for the company, the likelihood still can have more netizen to be decieved...

Case reviewing

This year on August 13, substation of public security of Shenzhen dragon hillock receives China call the police for the company say: This company receives the near future often user of countrywide each district is complained, lest cost is given,complain its company China the annulus that it is a hand and balance car stunt, express deliver goods comes 29 yuan of express expend collection, but its company never has begun this kind of professional work, distrustful somebody is pretended to be China have bilk activity for the company.

Handle a case the discovery after the policeman investigates: Although record amount is not big, but countrywide each district has 200 much people to be decieved, experience record amount amounts to more than yuan 8000.

The criminal still registered 5 companies, undertake the enterprise turns operation, collectivize management, in hire of Harbin city high-grade community nearly 10 thousand smooth rice office building, company staff amounts to 600 more than person. From wholesale pack, content shedding is carried " after service " catenary of bilk of major of one continuous line. Set group of business department, technology ministry, customer service ministry, human affairs, deserve to send the department such as the ministry.

Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned however call the police...

Every fool one person " earn " 23.5 yuan

How much is the brand hand annulus that this copy risks takes price cost? Every bilk is successful one sheet, can the criminal gain profit from which again how many?

The criminal goes up from the net first the model of plastic hand annulus that wholesale cost is less than 2 yuan, hand again quickly fool. Add mail cost makes an appointment with 3.5 yuan, cost amount makes an appointment with bunco 5.5 yuan, after the victim pays 29 yuan of express fee, cheater net 23.5 yuan.

Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned however call the police...

So apparent fraud can diddle millions of people, used authority because of cheater namely " love takes small advantage, be afraid of a trouble again " psychology. Be cheated 29 yuan of amount are small, call the police to feel to give or take a lot of trouble again, cheap finally cheater.

So, come up against any fraud later, must not be afraid of a trouble, call the police for a short while, can help police at an early date the Wu Fa criminal rope.

Current, suspect of more than 600 crime already was adopted criminal coercive measures, among them key member of 31 crime group is answered by send under escort of dragon hillock police Shenzhen, await legal punish.

These links do not want to be clicked easily

Receive gift freely besides market support, small letter friend encircles all sorts of advertisement links in, do not want to be clicked easily, a few illegal elements often conceal fraud at here.

Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned however call the police...

Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned however call the police...

Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned however call the police...

Attention! The friend encircles new fraud exposure, 200 much people are cheated 80 million, unmanned however call the police...

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