Russia clears away Japanese gimmick really brillant! Firm exposure weighs pound civilian attune, bri

Russia clears away Japanese gimmick really brillant! Firm exposure weighs pound civilian attune, bring the times dream that seize an island thoroughly undone

The territorial dispute between Japan and Russia two countries, since Russia is ceaseless to day strong capital, also be Japanese government does it of anxious important hard injury, although was passed many rounds between two countries multilayer the negotiation of class, but bilateral manner is absent apparently same on the road. Russia president Pu Jingceng passes the firm word of a bully gas via saying, domanial problem nots allow to negotiate; And how times going up in issue of processing and Russia concern always is will northward however 4 islands (Russia says south 1000 islands archipelago) attributive problem is placed in front, one pair does not return an island to avoid the outward appearance that talk with respect to everything, often still making the big head dream that seizes an island even. Now, appeared again about the foreground of islands of two countries controversy new variable.

According to abroad net cite Japan was read on December 3 sell the media coverage such as news to say, the public opinion orgnaization that Russia becomes independent with respect to islands of controversy of day Russia two countries attributive problem had public opinion poll a few days ago, findings shows, although Russia folk thinks the relationship with Japan is better and better, fill hopeful position occupied 61% , than going up year increased 13 percent, but to controversy islands be related, do not support remand be as high as 74% , this shows, even if day Russia concerns to good also make Russia people support puts in islands 's charge to still give Japan hard.

Russia clears away Japanese gimmick really brillant! Firm exposure weighs pound civilian attune, bring the times dream that seize an island thoroughly undone

About controversy of day Russia islands, dynast of early days two countries has had engage in a battle, japan will conclude day of Russia and the premise setting that make the same score treaty are the attributive problem that solves controversy islands, but Russia respect not show respect for, of Beijing of Russia president general strong the degree that made known his position to arrive to reject to discuss this issue actually. Now, borrow conclude and furring arranges this one issue, both sides reached consensus with respect to negotiation new mechanism, hold the position of chief namely by two countries minister of foreign affairs, japan by foreign minister river wild too man presents as leading role, strength is very; Russia respect is in charge of by hawkish Lafuluofu, the information that Russia gives out is, although turn over in Habomai archipelago and lubricious red island, also do not transfer supremacy certainly, just came to day seemingly a feed on illusions.

Should say, from the point of the manner of Russia government, still become loose somewhat to islands controversy problem, still showed the posture that can take to talk on attitude at least, and upgrade to look for ministerial class from negotiation mechanism, russia respect or expression gave certain meaning; But Russia casts the findings that gave orgnaization of a civilian attune below premise here, the person that offerred Russia to have 74% does not agree to remand islands, it is to telling Japan undoubtedly, russia the will of the people is such, the government also has to consider popular wishes, japan is dead this heart!

Japan is in go up to problem of island of Russia all alone, it may be said played scheming. Long-term since, japan and United States launch associated a sham battle together, aggrandizement seizes insular drilling, promotion seizes insular military affairs to atttack ability; Japan holds water " terraqueous motor-driven is round " have abroad war game together with the United States, be in momently prepare to seize an island; Have more very person, japan still expedites martial personnel to make up say to be not martial personnel to carry a weapon to ascend an island, by the capture after Russia respect get behind wearing; Momentum is built in publicly as to Japan strong position should all alone to Russia island, it is to already became all in the day's work more. Nevertheless, these Russia of Japan that make a way gave out cold response.

Russia clears away Japanese gimmick really brillant! Firm exposure weighs pound civilian attune, bring the times dream that seize an island thoroughly undone

Russia is in be on guard Japan is seized preparation has been made on the island. The manner of Beijing of Russia president general is unusually determined, domanial problem must not talk, government and folk already share a bitter hatred of the enemy is determined uncompromising; Russia army is guarding islands to went up to also do much work, be in early Russia was in 2016 south the build on 1000 islands archipelago fortification deploy " ball " and " bastion " system of bank radical missile with answering the United States " Sa heart " ; In November 2017, russia was made decide in what center of 1000 islands archipelago builds base of a navy on Ma Tuya island; This year August, the multipurpose fighter plane of Russia air force revive - 35S in Yasinei the airport begins a battle to be on duty. Presently these square act, the purpose that has seized Japanese armed strength the island is complete checkmate.

Showed level to had gone to Russia the final phase that day two countries concludes in the end of the year and furring makes an appointment with, no matter be Russia government or folk gave out,Japan seizes an island not to have the signal of the door, and Russia is being built in the martial ability on islands of ceaseless aggrandizement controversy, did not return insular possibility at all, even if Russia concludes in peaceful treaty on show a few attitude, also not be absolutely with return an island to having inevitable connection, as to in the coming year two countries head met January in the active progress that respect of meeting occurrence Japan hopes, from at present the trend looks to already did not have a likelihood. The comment pointed out Japanese joint network on December 2, e Fangjiang good school gathers nowadays, foreground of negotiation of day Russia territory is very unidentified bright.

Let bring the times dream that seize an island not only undone, be opposite even broad Japanese territorial dispute also already heart grey meaning is cold! Look integratedly, clear away Japan, russian really gimmick is very brillant!

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