When 3 cost cancel

When 3 cost cancel

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3 cost cancel time was 2001. State committee of planning, Ministry of finance provided the basis clearly 2001: The water that cancels to repeat collection with cost of urban infrastructure form a complete set, report, gas, hot, road with etc the special form a complete set of all sorts of items is expended.

Countrywide each district can publish corresponding policy according to this regulation. 2013, " Kunming city develops and reform committee sells plain code to mark a price about commodity house put on record fair the announcement that shows concerned issue " come on stage. Make clear a regulation: Estate development company marks a price according to plain code of commodity house sale " an one mark " the requirement fixes a price, answer to cost of form a complete set of regulation of active value policy plan of the price that enter a room, uniform plan the price that enter a room.

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