For the person of steady to having income, meeting choice loan buys the way of the room. Also won't give the too great pressure in the home, but when returning a room to borrow. Have a lot of problems, still want much more advertent below. "Return a room to borrow " remember making this " 4 " mistake. To this problem, will look is how return a responsibility.
The first mistake is exceed the time limit still is borrowed, borrow money with the bank, should sign a contract. According to time reimbursement of the regulation, had better be to assure oneself every month has steady income. Still can plan brushstroke reserve fund ahead of schedule, in case capital gave an issue. Had better not reimbursement of exceed the time limit, the credit to oneself has very big effect. Serious still can leave spot, conducting the relevant business of the bank later, can be affected.
The 2nd mistake is to break for, no matter be,stem from what reason. Break offerring is more serious, when early days borrows money, be about to had considered ability of the following reimbursement. Return borrowed time normally, it is longer. In so old time, want to have regular program. Do not return an in part, stop to repay. The bank when arriving, it is to be able to find out due responsibility. Be in when offerring, the bank also can do provenance to punish, accrual is taller. Exceed half an year, the house is on sale of meeting go off with. If true capital has a problem, want to undertake negotiation with the bank.
The 3rd mistake is to shift to an earlier date reimbursement, every month returns a room to borrow, pressure is greater still. Some gain money, wanting to borrow the room ahead of schedule still be over. But the contract that this also should sign according to following a bank, a lot of moment, shift to an earlier date reimbursement, should pay additional fee. Appear, be very not of be to one's profit.
Finally is to did not go to a bank removing the building borrows money, when borrow money, it is to taking a room, go to a bank mortgaging. When return a room to borrow, want to retain this responsibility. Still have the access of the house only otherwise, deal with relevant formalities. To the house, ability has more use. When returning a room to borrow, want to remember making these 4 mistakes.
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