Folktale: Pinchbeck county makes

Jiang Qing, the wide Tong Sheng that make the same score a county. Year old 37, sexual be apt to. Parents of from a child double die, do not suffer familial kin to attend, taste worldly favor changes in temperature, suffer all kinds of full adventitious of affliction be hungry. Some day, be hungry of Jiang Qing abdomen, in the home half bowls rice just, this affection this scene, can't help making him magical hurt, the tear below incognizant midstream comes. here, hear suddenly have reputation knocking at the door. Jiang Qing opens the door to look, those who come is a student, as average as oneself age, build also comparatives, profess Li Dingzhou. See he is very conversable only, the character after He Jiangqing greets, we are scholars, who does not want to there is a good one's previous experience? I see you curtilage heart clemency, wish be related entrust and you, it may not be a bad idea lets your ability have the land of an use force. Jiang Qing listens to have some of doubt, do not know the what drug that sells in this person calabash.

Folktale: Pinchbeck county makes

Li Dingzhou character path, this is worldly the person that go up, go after salary of official of scholarly honour and official rank, same my parents also hopes I become such person, I am made for peaceful far county by appoint nowadays. They are very glad, but who can understand, these are not me want, I want to seek one kosher office only, sing classics make pills of immortality, do a free and happy celestial being, do not hear affairs of human life, without do not be about to have beg. The tone sighed after Jiang Qing listens, blurt out path, I if you this are much better. Li Dingzhou is fond of, I am having this idea! Jiang Qing hears character to be immersed in doubt again. The imperial order an official document or note that Li Dingzhou took out him accuses body illicit to imprint wait for content, to Jiang Qingyan, our appearance comparatives, I see you also without care, it is a scholar, let you take sb's place I go coulding there be of one's own accord today far go to one's post, do not know your meaning to fall how.

Folktale: Pinchbeck county makes

Jiang Qing hears character Jing to, will be decapitate then is felonious, how can do! Li Dingzhou persuades his say, you need not are fear of, unmanned and witting, when coming, I already made me familial go-between, must not search me to Ning Yuan, it is Guan Qinglian in order to show. Beijing report one's work attends after 3 years, should come round to aid you personally now, you are at ease simply go boldly doing. Say to take out 52 fine silver to want to do road endowment to Jiang Qing again, 9 lackey close to serve in road. Jiang Qing is very enchanted, dark line, also do not know when can medium scholar, more do not say a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Stopped, stay in the home, just see person look, feed not satiety, was inferior to going, still live chicly. Promised Li Dingzhou, two people are very happy, each other depart come. Jiang Qing cleared away baggage, toward decide far county, from after this with Li Dingzhou pose as, and true Li Dingzhou, did not know to go to where however.

Folktale: Pinchbeck county makes

Jiang Qing arrived to decide far county, because the content such as Guan Ping writ is true, unmanned suspicion, assumed office very quickly. Arrived from him over there, very diligent politics, bold and resolute undertakes changing, handled a long-pending case of a lot of case of injustice, the people very love and esteem him. Went two years, do not see Li Dingzhou has kin friend to call in if really. Jiang Qing puts down a heart to come. Some night, he and photograph of numerous common person get together, be drunk more, was remanded room. hazy during, see suddenly two ghost push the door and enter, his neck on iron chain case, pulling him to go, jiang Qing is abrupt regained consciousness to come over, very scared, that ghost differs pair of his say, li Dingzhou, hades lets you 3 deader, that can leave you to the five watches of the night, fast fast arrive along with me shade Cao be on trial be on trial. Must not chicanery is wordy. Jiang Qing cries, catch a fault catch a fault, I am not Li Dingzhou! 2 ghost do not listen, drag is worn he went toward ground government office.

Folktale: Pinchbeck county makes

Arrived Palace of Hell, jiang Qing is vociferous bad luck, clamorous inquire for Hades, impish drink, in relief life is daily person of dead ten million, if infer Hades redress an injustice, not turn things upside down! Jiang Qing makes should not call land land to be ineffective every day. Be obliged daily wash a face with the tear, suffer that hell cruel torture. Ignore a day, ghost is sentenced make again impish send Jiang Qing to enter water dungeon be tortured be tortured. What see that guard water dungeon only is impish in, having one person is as clear as ginger fellow villager, each other are acquainted. If Jiangqing sees emancipator, aloud to his ask for help. That guard asked reason, the newspaper gave ghost to sentence, ghost is sentenced call in points fetch ghost difference. Check carefully, believe Jiang Qing's character this time just now. That ghost sentences ghost difference to see take a fault person, be afraid of Hades punish, it is good to Jiang Qing to be forced character offer advice, send him to return this world. Arrived after open world, jiang Qing's body had been burned however. Then so Li Dingzhou knew an enchanter, figure his life He Jiangqing to exchange. Jiang Qing risks a county to make gone hind, he reported Jiang Qing, say by its captivity, took sb's place his identity. Such Li Dingzhou escaped dead disaster, be reinstated, be afraid of have an accident, still destroy Jiang Qing cadaver destroy the evidence.

Folktale: Pinchbeck county makes

Jiang Qing sees him cannot return this world, can't help crying greatly again, want to seek Hades judge which is right, ghost differs big Jing, persuade hurriedly, this took true Li Dingzhou, let you borrow his body to return this world, over shoes over boots, in the future you are not true Li Dingzhou! Also need not again be nervous lives, be very good so! Jiang Qing hears character heart to, also be a good plan so, this road is only feasible nowadays. But he raises a requirement to ghost difference, want to punish severely the magician that gives counsel then. Ghost needs way of inspiring awe by upholding justice, this person dare apply law chaos law, calm not forgive him. This ability promises Jiang Qing come down. A day, then Li Dingzhou is going on the bridge, fall suddenly into water, after be being saved to rise by everybody, a serious illness, the thing previously cannot learn again after awaking, actually ginger Qing Dynasty borrows human body to return this world. That magician also is smoked to go by ghost difference one fetch two soul, do not be born not to die, not character not language, if disabled person is average. After this, jiang Qing the name with Li Dingzhou, the ability when living to be 86 years old continuously dies.

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