Day of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense tog

Today is " day of rights and interests of 315 international consumer " , alive discipline square developed more than 10 businesses such as many unit such as the Women's Federation of broadcasting television desk of industry of round municipal Party committee of combination of city market supervisory management board, city and informatization bureau, judicatory bureau, nicotian bureau, city, city and power supply, water supply, heat addition, air feed, food, medicines and chemical reagents, let a citizen establish new consumptive idea, become the customer of a be as good as one's word.

Day of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense together

In propaganda spot, the staff member is passed reveal fake product, extend banner of announce handbill, paste, put conduct propaganda to exhibit board, accept complain, explain " 315 " the means such as knowledge, publicized the byelaw of relevant law to associate with citizen, unscramble the heat problem that counterpoises about consumer dimension in recent years, deepen consciousness of consumptive dimension authority, guide consumer science spending, reasonable consumption, credit consumption.

Day of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense together

Day of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense togetherDay of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense together

Before the propagandist station that controls management board in city market, qi Hongliang had an inquiry with respect to the change of function and plan of concerned law law, hope they can be much more thorough basic level begins survey, master the first-hand material of vicissitude of the market, choose uprights one batch cease company of native land credit, brand enterprise, build favorable consumptive environment for common people.

How does neat sonorous group still discern fake the daily consumable such as medicines and chemical reagents, cigarette undertook understanding, hope broad businessman increases propagandist strength, service with a variety of means broad consumer, interpose rests indigenous industry wants sincere letter to manage, make real take to heart rest brand.

Day of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense togetherDay of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense togetherDay of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense togetherDay of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense together

Pass conduct propaganda, the consumptive rights and interests that raised dweller masses not only protects consciousness, enhance power of powers and functions of consumer warning false dimension, broad consumer consciousness boycotts caution and be far from " fake " commodity, guide consumer to understand law, abide by the law, the knowledge of consumptive dimension authority that studies science and food safety knowledge, establish science, rational consumption sense.

Day of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense togetherDay of rights and interests of 315 international consumer, let us learn consumptive common sense together

3.15 during, market supervisory management board still will be begun " credit lets consume more be at ease educational country goes " , attestation of system of company quality management upgrades, health food supervisory sampling observation, law is publicized " 5 into " wait for series activity, make the sale environment with sincere legal letter with all one's strength.

Reporter: Yu Ping inferior bright

Chief inspector is made / Hao Xiaoping supervise the manufacture of / Liu Jian examine and verify / Wang Haizhou of Hou Jirong Guo Rui

Editor / Guo Na counsel / Zhang Huiwei

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