Civil / graph sheep city sends reporter Dong Liu
Liang Cheng of reporter Wei Lei
Yang Cheng sends a reporter today (on March 22) from Guangdong province people procuratorate understands, place of executive procuratorial work of criminal of procuratorate of Guangdong province people got one side recently " impartially execute the law, warm to popular feeling " silk banner and an acknowledgment letter, this is the person such as Guo Mou of the injured party on a special trip to recover for them by the inquisitor of bilk money people denotive acknowledgment.
By 2017, when inquisitor of place of executive procuratorial work of criminal of Guangdong province procuratorate is handling case of commute a sentence one case, discover convict Ma Mou is sentenced because of committing contract crime of fraud life imprisonment, confiscate property 1 million yuan, earning of bilk of pursue and wipe out the injured party of 64.52 million yuan of give back.
But the belongings punishment that dossier material shows carries out a circumstance carries out 20663.44 yuan when reach the designated position merely only by the court, other belongings court decision all was not carried out, and convict Ma Mou is declared belongings also shows with other and relevant data existence is abhorrent.
Guangdong saves people procuratorate criminal to carry out procuratorial work place to receive silk banner
"Bilk earning 6000 beyond, is belongings carried out only however more than yuan 20 thousand? " the working experience that depends on case of old conduction commute a sentence, handle a case the circumstance that inquisitor thinks to may exist not to declare belongings according to the facts among them. Subsequently, this branch holds water quickly handle a case group, to convict belongings state of Ma Mou launchs thorough investigation.
The inquisitor in investigation discovers, this case because experience case fund is big, drag in personnel is much, existence testimony material is multifarious, convict and come-and-go of items of an account of the injured party are much, executive fixed number of years is long, and executive judge waits for numerous and complex case through be being changed for many times.
Be aimed at hereat, handle a case personnel reel off raw silk from cocoons pares chrysalis, from train of thought of a Xiang Liqing in the case correlation of with twisted roots and gnarled branches-complicated and difficult to deal with, seek clue. They visit Guangzhou city procuratorate and court to undertake in those days at the same time the public prosecutor of this case and judge, consult the belongings of convict Ma Mou carries out a circumstance, enquire the person such as Guo Mou of the injured party knows case detail further.
Head for executive bureau of intermediate court of justice of benefit state city to check Ma Mou belongings to carry out a circumstance at the same time, find her former husband Zhu Mou, ask Ma Mou marriage and belongings state. In the meantime, head for and other places of bureau of civil administration of rich collect county, court, public security bureau to inquire relevant data, save woman jail to move those who take Ma Mou to interview the data such as circumstance of record, consumption through Guangdong.
Carry thorough investigation, inquisitor discovers convict Ma Mou has truly can offer the property that carry out, luo Yuya resides the share that includes trading company of 110 thousand rich Luo Nong among them, rich 40 ring mix elegant building of 2 period benefit curtilage car, Yang Cun of rich collect county two areas add up to the land of 18000 square metre, benefit.
Although the case already entered executive order, but because of convict horse some refus does not deserve to close, cause belongings to carry out for a long time to did not reach the designated position.
Before the fact that finds out in procuratorial work mechanism and much evidence, convict Ma Mou admits eventually, its have truly can offer executive property, report a case to the security authorities because of Guo Mou of the injured party before openness make its are imprisoned, she gives birth to resentment to heart of the injured party, so refus does not cooperate belongings punishment to carry out the job, will be willing to cooperate to carry out next.
Inquisitor is examining case data
Handle a case group classics investigation thinks, convict Ma Mou did not declare belongings state according to the facts during serve a sentence, have truly can offer executive property and refus does not cooperate to fulfill belongings punishment, do not accord with the condition of commute a sentence.
Save High Court according to Guangdong " the announcement that strengthens pair of convict belongings sexes to sentence an executive circumstance to investigate the work about be in case of conduction commute a sentence, parole " regulation: People court discovers in trying a process convict is had hide the truth from newspaper, fail to report sth intentionally to reach those who provide case of false proof material, ought to maintain convict not to have repentant show, the ruling does not grant commute a sentence, parole.
June 2018, case of Ma Mou commute a sentence is tried in open a court session of Guangdong woman jail, inquisitor puts forward convict Ma Mou to did not declare belongings according to the facts to the court on the court, capable to fulfill belongings punishment and nonperformance, not positive disgorge ill-gotten gains, proposal of short duration does not grant the procuratorial work proposal of commute a sentence.
Of the same age September, guangdong saved senior people court to adopt the procuratorial work that procuratorial work mechanism offers to suggest, the decision does not grant to of short duration of convict Ma Mou commute a sentence, convict Ma Mou's commute a sentence suggests Guangdong of book go back visits woman prison.
Current, convict Ma Mou cooperates actively already to fulfill belongings sex to sentence, branch of executive procuratorial work of criminal of Guangdong province procuratorate already supervised and urge relevant executive section restores relevant belongings punishment to carry out the job, already carried out now reach the designated position many yuan 4000.
Origin | Yang Cheng is sent
Editor-in-charge | Wang Guimei of Lv boat trainee