Nanning sampling observation 6 drugstore, 5 hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock! Lo

Nanning sampling observation 6 drugstore, 5 hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock! Look forward to of these a few medicine was talked about aboutNanning sampling observation 6 drugstore, 5 hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock! Look forward to of these a few medicine was talked about about

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On March 21 morning, market of countryside pond region superintends Nanning city on the west bureau talk about the much home medicines and chemical reagents inside area under administration about retail business, the requirement is begun instantly hold apothecary of course of study " hang card " of behavior check oneself rectify and reform. Before this, the market superintends a branch random sampling observation 6 drugstore, among them 5 hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock.

To hold apothecary of course of study is unwarrantable the problem of prescription of examine and verify of round-the-clock on guard, execute the law staff proposal drugstore can explore Internet order of long-range examine and verify, lot, cogent involve sale of good prescription drug.


Sampling observation 6 drugstore, 5 apothecary are absent

In CCTV 15 evening parties of 3 · exposure partial medicines and chemical reagents is retail enterprise hold apothecary of course of study " hang card " , after selling the chaos such as prescription drug to resemble by prescription, on March 18, market of countryside pond region superintends Nanning city on the west the branch is right people on the west the drugstore inside the area under administration such as road, emancipatory road begins random inspection.

Nanning sampling observation 6 drugstore, 5 hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock! Look forward to of these a few medicine was talked about about

"Selectived examination randomly 6, as a result discovery has 5 existence problem. " market of countryside pond region superintends bureau concerned chief to say on the west, the partial drugstore that selectived examination that day is the door inn of company of chain of sale of medicines and chemical reagents. Execute the law the sale record that personnel examines these drugstore, when discovering some drugstore existence sell prescription drug hold apothecary of course of study not prescription of on guard examine and verify; The prescription examine and verify of some drugstore, allocate, check personnel was not on prescription sign or affix one's seal, and did not save prescription or photocopy by the regulation; A drugstore has not been deployed by the regulation hold apothecary of course of study, the counterjumper that holds the position of prescription auditor position is not had hold apothecary of course of study registers card.

Execute the law personnel says,

According to concerned regulation, prescription classics hold examine and verify of apothecary of course of study is rear and adjustable match, list medicines and chemical reagents to do sth without authorization is changed or must not substitute to prescription place, abstain from to having conpatibility of medicines or exceed the recipe of dosage, ought to reject to allocate. In addition, prescription examine and verify, allocate, check personnel ought to be on prescription sign or affix one's seal, save prescription or its photocopy according to concerned regulation.


Hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock, cannot sell prescription drug

Talk in the agreement March 21 on the meeting, chief expresses related superintendency branch, right 6 drugstore that the problem discovers in selectiving examination will be investigated further, affirm whether to exist " hang card " phenomenon. If affirm existence violates the condition of code, will instruct deadline to correct, close down is rectified, be in 5000 yuan of above 20 thousand yuan of the following amerce, the revoke with serious clue " business certificate of medicines and chemical reagents " .

Nanning sampling observation 6 drugstore, 5 hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock! Look forward to of these a few medicine was talked about about

Network picture

"Medicines and chemical reagents is more special commodity, hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock, cannot sell prescription drug. " execute the law personnel says, hold testimony of a witness of apothecary of course of study is detached, it is huge uses medical safety hidden danger. Medicines and chemical reagents gave a patient with respect to the sale without the examine and verify using drug of apothecary, guidance that use drug, bring about a patient easily to buy the accident using drug such as abuse of the bad medicine, dosage that use a fault, antibiotic, endanger patient life security possibly even.


Apothecary card is taken an examination of hard, drugstore encounters difficult problem

Le Huojun understands, concerned branch is in all the time blow hold apothecary of course of study " hang card " behavior. However, why does drugstore appear again and again " hang card " random elephant?

"A lot of medicines and chemical reagents are retail enterprise dilate is swift and violent, hold apothecary of course of study is not worth badly, gap is too big. " Guangxi the concerned chief of retail chain company says a medicines and chemical reagents, the enterprise that he is in already had 70 chain chemist's shop in Guangxi, exceed 50 in Nanning among them, but as a result of hold amount of apothecary of course of study is limited, accomplish every drugstore very hard to have everyday by the requirement hold on guard of apothecary of course of study.

This chief says, hold apothecary of course of study is in short supply it is the one big problem that current drug retail trade faces. The enterprise that he is in can is opposite every year employee undertakes grooming, let them go textual research, still be opposite at the same time obtain hold the employee that apothecary of course of study registers card undertakes raises, "Monthly pay is more than average employee 2000 yuan, but the exam is very difficult, a lot of people had been not taken an examination of " .

Le Huojun consulted the data of center of exam of human affairs of person company department: 2018 year whole nation hold exam of qualification of apothecary of course of study enters oneself for an examination percent of pass is about 14.1% .


Apothecary gap is too big, cause " hang card " soil

The data that occupies bureau of national medicine inspect shows, the amount of countrywide retail drugstore had exceeded 450 thousand 2017. Up to by 2018, the whole nation is passed hold the total number accumulative total that qualification of apothecary of course of study takes an exam reachs 1.03 million person, register among them at social drug-store hold apothecary of course of study 418 thousand person.

And of print and distribute of the State Council " " 935 " safety of national medicines and chemical reagents plans " point out, to 2020, every 10 thousand population hold number of apothecary of course of study exceeds 4 people, main controller has all and retail chemist's shop hold qualification of apothecary of course of study, do business from time to tome hold apothecary of course of study is directive and reasonable with medicine. That is to say, retail drugstore future needs deploy two at least hold apothecary of course of study.

"According to us before examination, as a result of hold gap of apothecary of course of study is bigger, the chemist's shop that almost 3 is become was not deployed. " one executes the law personnel tells a reporter, this also brought about a lot of drugstore to exist directly " hang card " phenomenon.

In addition, a personage inside course of study expresses, many drugstore are reduce cost, tendency hire hold card of apothecary of course of study, "Seek a person ' hang card ' it is OK to need 10 thousand yuan every year only, and recruit a monthly pay of full-time clinical apothecary at least to want 449 yuan, it is for certain ' hang card ' more be to one's profit " .


How to defeat solution difficult problem, the proposal is long-range careful square

Market of countryside pond region superintends medical apparatus and instruments of bureau medicines and chemical reagents and health food cosmetic to superintend a section chief Guan Jianhong to say on the west,

Nanning sampling observation 6 drugstore, 5 hold apothecary of course of study is absent hillock! Look forward to of these a few medicine was talked about about

In daily examination, a few drugstore are much with hold apothecary of course of study temporarily off wait for reason to undertake evade, superintendency branch is used for a long time " stare at a person " the method is highbrow, to hold apothecary of course of study " hang card " supervise and maintain have certain difficulty. Even if is checked solid " hang card " , just also be aimed at experience thing hold apothecary of course of study gives cancel, can not rise to buy the action that medicine guards a pass for consumer.

It is drugstore on one hand ceaseless grow in quantity, right hold demand of apothecary of course of study is exuberant. It is on the other hand hold talent of apothecary of course of study is in short supply, drugstore must " hang card " . How to capture solution contradiction, let hold does apothecary of course of study guard a pass truly to prescription drug?

The personage inside course of study expresses, system of management of our country active apothecary is executed " double track is made " . Among them, medicines and chemical reagents is current the apothecary of the domain is in charge of managing by medical inspect branch, execute hold system of admittance of qualification of apothecary of course of study; The apothecary of medical establishment is managed by Wei Jian branch, execute professional technical position to hold a post qualificatory system, double track is collateral and passageway of lawful going from place to place still is not had between the industry.

Although work for a long time in medical establishment seasoned apothecary, in did not obtain hold below the circumstance of qualification of apothecary of course of study, also cannot provide a service in retail drugstore, "The proposal is built as soon as possible unite the medicine that crosses a branch to learn hold job seniority and technical title each other criticize a system, passageway of get through flow " .

In the meantime, mix in hospital pharmacy work in retail drugstore hold personnel of apothecary of course of study, the professional skill requirement of need is different. But show level to be reflected very hard however in exam level. "If can undertake taking an exam classificationing, the staff member that perhaps works in retail drugstore grooms through participating in fundamental sex, obtain similar and primary hold the mechanism of card of apothecary of course of study, also can a large number of practitioner are willing and can devote into among them. Also can a large number of practitioner are willing and can devote into among them..

"Hold apothecary of course of study does not sell prescription drug in inn, most drugstore is not done at all. " go up in the meeting that day, guan Jianhong earlies childhood, the network develops nowadays, retail business adopts technical measure, can consider " long-range careful square, sign, affix one's seal " operation, "Even if hold apothecary of course of study is absent drugstore, OK also real time careful just lets consumer take drug, let hold this post removes apothecary of course of study truly action. Let hold this post removes apothecary of course of study truly action..

Guan Jianhong still expresses, besides build hold sincere letter system builds apothecary of course of study, record through the system hold apothecary of course of study is undesirable hold trade act, put an end to hold of apothecary of course of study " hang card " outside behavior, still should produce the superintendency effect of consumer, encourage everybody to ask actively when buying drug hold apothecary of course of study provides a service.

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