Man refus joins pass sell thorn of the brandish that hold a knife to send office of 1 dead procurato

[man refus joins pass sell thorn of the brandish that hold a knife to send office of 1 dead procuratorial work: Self-defence is not in charge of punishment] on July 30, 2018, cheng Chunping of man of city of state of Shandong province Lai is cheated to come pass the point that sell a check, coerce by much person join pass when marketting a tissue, hold thorn of fruit knife brandish, strike pass sell personnel to become such-and-such left bosom, cause heart rupture, cheng Chunping discards baggage takes the advantage of chaos to escape the spot. 22 days, the Cheng Chunping of blame of intended to be suspected of harm makes Hangzhou city procuratorate do not sue a decision, the behavior of cognizance Cheng Chunping belongs to self-defence, do not bear criminal responsibility lawfully. (just net)

Man refus joins pass sell thorn of the brandish that hold a knife to send office of 1 dead procuratorial work: Self-defence is not in charge of punishment
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