Accept top-secret job of Ma Yun, he is shut close 30 days, ending accident

Mention the author that clean out treasure, the first reaction can think of a lot of people Ma Yun, have the name that the person knows Shi Yufeng rarely however however. So, who is Shi Yufeng, why dare profess to clean out treasure author, with Ma Yun what relation be?

1, look to Hangzhou with Ma Yun

Shi Yufeng, law order " Xu Zhu " , one of 18 arhat of Ma Yun. Original, bureau of his centrally atmosphere works, like network technology. In Beijing aperture second personal dining-room, he sees good friend Wu Yongming for the first time " be the first eldest brother " Ma Yun. Ma Yun is preparing to kill a Hangzhou the 3rd times to do poineering work at that time. Accept top-secret job of Ma Yun, he is shut close 30 days, ending accidentMa Yun's passion, shook deeply Shi Yufeng. He decides to resign government service, follow Ma Yun to go to Hangzhou looking. Parents objects strongly at that time, reason is " hear Zhejiang cheater is very much! " Shi Yufeng feels Internet is certain is an opportunity, say to parents: Do not have a thing, I look. Did not think of this goes, changed his destiny thoroughly.

2, he is Alibaba one of author

Be in Hangzhou western in a common dweller village, eighteen person, 500 thousand yuan, from now on humble room as bamboo utensil for holding cooked rice feed, all night struggle hard.

On Feburary 21, 1999, alibabadi staff plenary meeting, ma Yun represented good future for employee. "Did not come 35 years once Neialibaba appears on the market, we all price that each person place pays can pay off, what await us to get in those days is this house not only, however such 30 houses! However such 30 houses!!

This covers the house of 150 square metre, 4 bedrooms, it is new home of Ma Yun originally, still do not have there's still time to live to be taken made the office. When Shi Yufeng just came, the banner of carry out building that as it happens sees the village is being hanged -- every square metre 2800 yuan. Pull point to calculate, this house also gets 2289 yuan at least. To what scrape together gives 500 thousand yuan to serve as the capital that start at that time " 18 arhat " for, 30 what concept are 300 thousand yuan? Accept top-secret job of Ma Yun, he is shut close 30 days, ending accidentAt that time each every months of ability 500 yuan of salary, should hire a room to have a meal even clad, "We are a flock of people close at that time hire, just spend every months each 100 multivariate, return a basis the his contributive size that more or less decides a room. " very bitter, but look in him, "Everybody is very happy really, an idea is wanting to work. An idea is wanting to work..

Shi Yufeng, Wu Yongming and another person are in charge of writing Alibaba's program. "When deciding a page, keep discussing all night; When designing LOGO, had argued even two plan. " the page of very fast Alibaba came out with respect to the design.

After a year, alibaba was taken twice in all the venture capital investment of 25 million dollar. "18 arhat " leave lakefront garden village, garrison edifice of China star science and technology.

3, top-secret task of Ma Yun, find both funny and annoying after 30 days

On April 14, 2003 morning, the 7 people such as Shi Yufeng were called VIP office. Putting on desk one crowded large English contract. Important place of equestrian Yun Zheng says to them, if signed this contract, be about instantly " disappear from this company " , "The likelihood leaves Hangzhou to go another city, cannot tell you to go now which city, additionally important thing is done " . But this thing, "Inside 6 months " cannot disclose with anybody, even if be boss, girlfriend even parents, "Otherwise I will discharge you " . Of course, everybody has influence to choose to be not signed.

Heard this word, shi Yufeng also did not think, multiply a contract directly last page signed. Other 6 people also sign inside a minute. The 3rd day afternoon, 7 their people by Ma Yun " drive " answered lakefront garden village, finish to appear " finish impossibly " the task -- the C2C website that founds the home and one EBay to contend. And deadline, have 30 days only. Accept top-secret job of Ma Yun, he is shut close 30 days, ending accidentStill be that house that Alibaba establishs 3 years ago, 7 people most returns the group is those author 3 years ago, these a few engineers use Shi Yufeng still be even in those days that house. It is to close a door to act blindly, it is do not have sunset night turn even the axis.

On May 10, 2003, the net cleaning out treasure that planned secretly 26 days, quack eventually be born. SARS four is swept past at that time, ma Yun does not have a law to congratulate for them to the spot, he can follow through network video only stand fast to attack palm photograph to celebrate in the person such as the Shi Yufeng of lakefront garden. Ma Yun lies on the bed, face the ceiling, lift silently cup.

However, there is not a product on the net at that time but buying and selling. Then the 7 people such as Shi Yufeng come home severally ransack boxes and chests, good not easy happen by chance 200 things are put get online. And the first buying and selling, it is the sword of a Long Quan that Shi Yufeng bought a colleague. "Clinch a deal the price 300 yuan, although auction the program that clinch a deal,be undertake on the net, trading actually is however make money skill delivery single-handed face-to-face. Trading actually is however make money skill delivery single-handed face-to-face..

Amused is, horizontal sky is born those who cleaned out treasure to still cause Alibaba " animosity " . Employee writes a letter to Ma Yun even, "The horse always asks an attention, alibaba has opponent, this adversary makes clean out treasure net, it is very small now, but should pay close attention to it highly. " do so that Ma Yun finds both funny and annoying, must shift to an earlier date finally 3 months announce: The Ba Baxin in A establishs the net that clean out treasure, and Alibaba will throw 100 million yuan of RMB for this.

Additional, shi Yufeng's wife is called golden Yuan shadow, she is Ma Yun's student, also be one of 18 arhat. Look, ma Yun talks about love to employee do not object. Of course, ma Yun nowadays social status 1000 much, also get those who thank this two husband and wife to pay. Accept top-secret job of Ma Yun, he is shut close 30 days, ending accident

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I do not tell average person him oh (titter)

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