Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

Saline city " 3 · 21 " explode, make the aniline apperception that involves closes matter, cause wide attention.

Aniline is one of the most significant intermediate put oneself in another's position in dye industry; Also can regard medical sulphanilamide as medical raw material, also be the intermediate system that produces flavor, plastic, varnish, film to wait at the same time; The important raw material that aniline also is manufacturing pesticide... the synthesis that they use extensively at dye, medicine, balata, colophony, flavor to wait.

Without doubt, aniline is one of the most important amine matter.

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

In the meantime, aniline also is very dangerous: Benzene is dangerous chemical, combustible, carcinogenic substance, its steam and air can form volatile mixture, encounter easy combustion of bright fire, high fever pole to explode.

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

On October 27, 2017, the carcinogenic substance detailed list that research organization of cancer of international of World Health Organization publishs is initial arrange reference, aniline is in detailed list of 3 kinds of carcinogenic substance.

2 chloric firedamp, 2 chloric ethane and toluene, belong to benzene amine compound. Major people understands this not quite actually.

At ordinary times, the benzene amine compound that contains in our surroundings basically comes from in the liquid waste of pharmacy industry and dye industry, contain the mine acidity waste water of nitrobenzene, in zinc powder and cupreous salt existence fall also but reductive for aniline, nonferrous metal also contains a few benzene amine compound sometimes in liquid waste of ore dressing plant.

The processing of industrial sewage is very special and important.

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

Aniline common calls aniline oil, it is liquid of colorless oil state.

Aniline, to ordinary people, you need not intimate knowledge, but the toxicity that is sure to keep in mind it is higher, only a few can cause toxic.

Important thing says 3 times, aniline toxicity is higher, only a few can cause toxic.

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

This is because of benzene familial thing has a characteristic, once enter system,be inside, the first won't decompose inside body, because benzene is very stable chemical material, the 2nd, outside eliminating put oneself in another's position completely very hard.

Aniline basically is to pass the skin, respiratory tract and enteron to enter human body, destroy blood to cause haemolysis sex anemia thereby, damage liver to cause toxic sex hepatitis, cause all sorts of cancer even.

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

If aniline causes virulent poisoning when, light person skin happening is spent gently purple, especially lip, fingernail and auricle case are clear, have a headache, swimmy, whole body is weak, the person that degree waits in divides blueness ultraviolet still vomiting, pulse is quickened, the symptom such as blood pressure heighten; The person that weigh produces unconsciousness, companion has clonic symptom of the demote below enlarge of convulsive, pupil, temperature, die very quickly.

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

If aniline is chronic toxic when:

To the harm of haemal system expression is erythrocyte drop off, of different level purple;

To neurological harm expression is durative have a headache, intelligence drops or lose, and all sorts of neurosis shape;

To the harm of urology expression is the phenomenon such as dysuria, hematuria, produce urethral cancer, prostate cancer or cystic cancer even;

Damage expression to be the skin to cutaneous the allergic reaction such as aglow, aching, urticaria.

Saline city " 3 · 21 " the aniline that explosion involves, have harm to human body? Toxic meeting how?

If was polluted by benzene amine compound, ordinary people how Where is emergency treatment?

If the skin contacts: Shuck off contaminative dress instantly, rinse the skin thoroughly with suds and clear water. Go to a doctor.

If the eye contacts: Mention instantly palpebral, with a large number of flow clear water or physiological saline rinse at least 15 minutes thoroughly. Go to a doctor.

If breath is inspiratory: Break away from the spot quickly to come air is fresh place. Maintain respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathe difficulty, give oxygen therapy; If breath stops, have artificial breath instantly. Go to a doctor.

If feed by accident,take: Warm water of drink full amount, urge spit. Go to a doctor.

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