Family member of victim of noisy water explosion: Call searching ring to find father remains

New capital signs up for dispatch (Zhou Shiling of new Bin of horse of reporter Kang Jia) accident of explosion of plant of Jiangsu noisy to hydrate already was sent 47 dead 90 injuries. After the event, many family member says somebody breaks couplet. The wife of Miao jade country is in for many times dial marital telephone nobody are received after listening, on March 22 in the morning, enter the spot with the son, should dial a telephone again, they are finding the ring that transmits below remains, found the remains of Miao jade country.

Family member of victim of noisy water explosion: Call searching ring to find father remains

The mobile phone cut of Miao jade country pursues. New capital signs up for reporter Ma Xinbin to photograph

Son Mr Miao of Miao jade country tells new capital newspaper reporter, when chemical plant explodes 21 days afternoon, miao Yu Guozheng of 59 years old goes to work in the one pharmaceutical factory around, "Lay between a wall " . After explosive happening, father's phone is hit all the time be illogical. 21 days of evening, family hurries to the spot, but cannot enter accident happening ground. Family went to the hospital of the county subsequently, but still did not find.

He says, the mobile phone is at that time on the side of father remains, show a move in chess or a movement in wushu did not receive an incoming message 10 times on screen.

New capital signs up for Zhou Shiling of new Bin of horse of reporter Kang Jia

Edit Pan Jiakun to proofread Guo Liqin

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