40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain!

Crossed one most again in March in an instant

Annual this is seasonal, can many fruits begin to appear on the market

For example " plum "

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

Mention plum

Small make up cannot help pharynx saliva

Believe a lot of people also like to eat

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

Recently, the netizen says the price of plum is more expensive than the flesh

Reach 40 yuan high one jin

You still can be bought eat?

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination


The netizen says in 100 kinds of fruits of a few inn already appeared on the market plum

But the price does not poor

Retail prices general is ubiquitous every jins of 25-40 yuan

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

Many netizens plaint: Much more expensive than pork!

Although sell expensively

But still many people buy have a taste of what is just in season

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

Fruit of this kind of early spring is in plum fruit stall has not been sold in great quantities temporarily, only minority has carry out inside fruit inn, "In March peach in April plum, should when next month plum just can appear on the market in great quantities.

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

Plum build is small now, taste can more agonized, although the price is more expensive, but the young associate that still love eats is bought eat!

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

Small make up understand from electric business platform, the price general on plum net is at present ubiquitous 25-40 yuan / jin, if be the plum of hearts, the price will be a few more expensive.

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

How does the netizen say

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One leaf of @ Gu boat: Just went out such, the family sells a fruit to want to sell a head goods, from the back much not costly

@9527: Saliva sheds one ground

@ shadow: Know plum is expensive this year, did not think of the meeting is so expensive!

@ is funny than bunny! : Besides plum, red bayberry now also is day price, had affirmed the eyes, it is the price that I have not to rise

@ cc: Gave plum March. . . Very fast

@ existence feels: This is very normal, the fruit amount that just gave after all is less, but a jin 40 yuan too exaggerative really.

The plum that just appeared on the market

Build is lesser, flavour is acerber also

Retail prices opposite on the high side

But still many citizens buy have a taste of what is just in season

And the price of plum won't hold this summit all the time

Appear on the market as more plum

The price also can fall somewhat

Disrelish expensive young associate people can await patiently

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

Do you know the nutrient value of plum? Will look rapidly!

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The nutrient value of plum

Plum is to slant acidity fruit, often eat plum to be able to promote hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and stomach to digest enzymatic exudation, promotional intestines and stomach wriggles, full to abdomen of lack of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, abdomen bilge, costive crowd, it is constellation of hurried digestive platoon good assistant.

Will replace small snacks with plum, can restrain appetite, accelerate decompose adiposely inside human body with metabolization, maintain level of the blood sugar inside body to stabilize, decrease effectively to be absorbed to caloric.

The antioxidant that plum contains a lot ofis in defence has profit quite on chronic illness, contains plant nutriment also can have the effect that restrains mammary gland tumour to grow, still won't affect the growth of normal cell.

The amino acerbity OK and immediate effect in plum at liver, increase hepatic and alexipharmic capacity, the eduction of redundant moisture inside stimulative body, prevent liver ascites. Bitter almond glucoside can promote accept eduction, achieve fall the effect of blood pressure.

Edible note

The plum that did not mature cannot eat: Do not have ripe plum mouthfeel acerb, contained hydrocyanic acid returns not complete clear up, the generation of meeting breathing heart centre to human body inhibition, a large number of edible have toxic risk.

Edible of excessive of avoid by all means: Plum contains the fruit acid of high volume, eat to hurt taste easily more, can cause gastralgia, patient of gastric ulcer, chronic gastroenteritis does not eat plum as far as possible.

The nutlet of plum cannot eat: Prussiate is contained in the nutlet of plum, bigger prussiate content jumps over pit tall, if want to use Yu of dispel of nutlet of to be taken orally expectorant control athlete's foot, must follow the doctor's advice sincerely.

40 yuan / jin " day price " the fruit appears on the market 100 kinds, you had eaten for certain! Poverty restricted my imagination

A few yuan of a jin plum,

Do you think to be worth to buy?

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