Appeal! 1 year old of many male Tong Jiazhong austral short for Weihe River eat caustic soda esophag

The small inscription that lives in Shaanxi to save Du Cun of Fu Ping county of the city austral short for Weihe River to press down ease village, this year just a year old 3 months, be in however on January 15, small inscription inscription feeds caustic soda by accident in the home, bring about oral cavity and esophagus serious burn.

Appeal! 1 year old of many male Tong Jiazhong austral short for Weihe River eat caustic soda esophagus by accident serious burn

Child mother tells " city hot line " entire media reporter, when the child just sent a hospital, drink even water and milk no less than, the doctor tells her at that time, if the case is severe, need excises esophagus to undertake rebuilding, hear the news like this a thunder from the clear sky, her heart is just as a knife to wring.

Appeal! 1 year old of many male Tong Jiazhong austral short for Weihe River eat caustic soda esophagus by accident serious burn

On March 19, small inscription inscription checks again, be by diagnose esophagus is narrow, because scar is completely in esophagus and stomach, before the circumstance is compared, return serious. The doctor suggests to become esophagus dilate operation, cure needs to last 2-4 year, every month wants undergo surgery during, the operation needs 1~2 10 thousand yuan, had done twice at present, cost 40 thousand yuan, sequel still needs 250 thousand fee.

Appeal! 1 year old of many male Tong Jiazhong austral short for Weihe River eat caustic soda esophagus by accident serious burn

" city hot line " entire media reporter understands, a person is in the mom of small inscription inscription the home looks after children, father of small inscription inscription a person is outer work, it is the only income source in the home. Face the charge of a huge sum of long-term remedy, they are assumed feebly really, person of hope good intention can reach the hand of aid!

Lady of child mom week contacts means: 15929488147

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